It's been the topic du jour on radio talk shows and blogs: Who was Hillary referring to when she asked: "And what in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men?" Some have speculated Ken Starr, others, including this morning’s Today show hint the target was a little closer to home. Matt Lauer greeted Today’s viewers with the following opening: "Campaign swing, her first trip to Iowa since announcing she's running for President, Hillary Clinton raises eyebrows when asked about dealing with men like Osama Bin Laden."
Hillary Clinton: "And what in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men?"
Lauer: "Is the joke on Bill?"
So naturally with a tease like that viewers had expected a segment or at least some idle chatter via Matt, Meredith, Al and Ann on whether Hillary was taking a stab at Bill? But oddly enough the topic wasn’t ever broached again on the January 29th show. However viewers were treated to Chip Reid applying a label, usually reserved for Hillary’s rival Barack Obama, to the New York senator:
Chip Reid: "On her first visit to Iowa in more than three years...Senator Hillary Clinton was welcomed with raucous cheering from adoring crowds. Despite the rock star reception though, some of Iowa's Democratic activists still have not forgiven her." Reid went on to note, from the left, that Hillary still has to answer anti-war critics in her own party. Still one has to ask why didn’t Today followup on the "Bill is like Osama" teaser?