Alluding to Hagel's self-righteous soliloquy about the war in Iraq, Hume unleashed this right cross:
"Poor Chuck Hagel, who is getting grandiloquent about voting for a legislatively meaningless sense-of-the-Senate resolution and calling it courage. It makes you kind of sad."
Later, Bill Kristol waxed rightfully indignant about John Kerry's recent disgraceful display. Said Kristol: "there was a day when United States Senators did not go abroad to call the United States an 'international pariah'."
Responding, Hume wryly unloaded this haymaker on the Massachusetts senator of baleful Gallic mien: "Is it really fair to John Kerry to argue, Bill, that when he's in Switzerland he's away from home?" Brit was alluding to the fact that Kerry had attended an elite Swiss boarding school.
Refereeing the bout, host Chris Wallace declared a "cheap shot," but that didn't stop the panel from dissolving in laughter.
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