CBS's Anthony Mason Tells Public Eye Blog That Media Don't Get Business and Do Lean Left

January 24th, 2007 1:03 PM

On January 18, posted an interview that "Public Eye" blogger Brian Montopoli conducted with business correspondent Anthony Mason. In the interview, Mason explained how he wound up reporting the business beat and why he thinks the media have a tendency to be critical of business, as well as admitting that the media in general have a liberal bias in story selection. You can find the full blog post with a link to the interview audio here.

I also took the liberty of clipping a few sound bites from his interview. It runs almost two minutes and can be found here.

In January 2006, Mason made similar comments about the media's coverage of American business:

“For the most part, broad based media has done a lousy job of explaining the economy to people,” he says. “Most Americans find economic news impenetrable and it’s our fault. For a long time, it’s been portrayed as an ‘us vs. them’ thing. There are stories about how big bad business is laying people off. But companies get a bad rap when all that gets reported is the layoffs. They got a bad rap when they were outsourcing jobs. I don't think enough has been done in the mainstream media to explain how the economy really works and how jobs get created and how they disappear.”