Bozell on 'Hannity & Colmes' About Behar Comparing Rumsfeld to Hitler

December 19th, 2006 10:08 PM
MRC President Brent Bozell appeared live on Tuesday's Hannity & Colmes on FNC to discuss Joy Behar's quip on Monday's The View, in reference to Time magazine punting on a Person of the Year, that “you have to put like a Hitler type. Like you put Donald Rumsfeld there or something" (Links at bottom of this node to video). Sparring with Alan Colmes, Bozell declared: “I'm sick and tired of the left pontificating and giving me lectures about hate speech.” (Mark Steyn filled in for Sean Hannity with former ABC News reporter Bob Zelnick as the second guest.)

Bozell also recalled how, on last Thursday's edition of the ABC daytime show, Behar seriously suggested Senator Tim Johnson may have been a victim of conservative evil-doing. She proposed: "Is there such a thing as a man-made stroke? In other words, did someone do this to him?" Behar contended the Republican Party is capable of such a nefarious deed: "I know what this, that party is capable of." For video of that December 14 exchange, check the MRC CyberAlert or this NewsBusters item.

Video of Bozell on Hannity & Colmes (3:02): Real (5.1 MB) or Windows Media (5.9 MB), plus MP3 audio (1 MB).

Video of Behar's December 18 comparison of Rumsfeld to Hitler (1:10): Real (1.94MB) or Windows Media (2.22MB), plus MP3 audio (350 KB)