Mitchell Miffed McCain Hired 'Man Behind That Dreadful Commercial Against Harold Ford'

December 20th, 2006 12:00 PM

Interviewing Rick Davis, chairman of John McCain's presidential exploratory committee, on MSNBC at about 11:45 AM today, NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell [NB file photo] demanded to know why McCain had hired Terry Nelson as his campaign manager. She described Nelson as "the man who was behind that dreadful commercial against Harold Ford. This is John McCain, the victim of these kinds of attacks in the South Carolina primary and other primaries back in 2000."

"Dreadful"? How about "funny and on the mark"? Who declared the ad "dreadful" other than the DNC and the MSM?

Could Andrea be taking her cue on this from Media Matters?

Not that you haven't seen it a million times already, but here is that "dreadful" ad.

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