Silly Kids, Balanced Reporting Is For Grown-Ups

November 29th, 2006 12:09 PM

Today's KidsPost section of The Washington Post gives young readers an introduction to the anti-artistic agenda of the smoke nazis.

Reporter Susan Levine gave The American Legacy Foundation plenty of ink to promote their cause in today's article "Hollywood Not Yet Kicking Butts."

Basically they think any movie involving fictional characters that smoke should merit an automatic R-rating. A picture showing historical figures who actually smoked, like FDR, is fine and dandy, however.

In contrast, the Motion Picture Association of America was given one paragraph to defend artistic license, and even then most of the graf was centered on reiterating the warning that, yes, smoking is bad for you.

Call me crazy, but how hard is it to find a libertarian or conservative pundit with the other side to be quoted for this article? (post continues after jump)

Hey kids, you know the difference between real life and make-believe right, right? Well, some adults don't, and they think you're too dumb to understand the difference too. Smoking is bad for you, but some people do smoke. Good people and bad people. It's a fact of life. I know you can make the right decision to not smoke.

There. Maybe Levine can call me the next time she's on deadline and needs a conservative pundit for her stories.

Am I overreacting? Here's Levine's story. And here's an article I wrote recently about a biased report by ABC's Heather Nauert on the same topic.