
On CNN, GOP Strategist Exposes 'Political Theater' of Jan. 6 Committee

July 2nd, 2021 6:59 PM

The latest obsession of the liberal media is the January 6th Select Committee created by Democrats. Reporters are constantly smearing Republican leaders as “anti-democratic” for opposing the incredibly partisan effort. On Thursday evening’s episode of Erin Burnett OutFront, guest host Poppy Harlow brought on Mike Shields, a paid strategist for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who…


Anti-Trump Republican Hyped by CNN Loses Badly in Congressional Race

May 4th, 2021 9:41 AM

Good news for obscure Republican candidates! You can get intense glowing coverage from the mainstream media such as CNN but only if you project yourself as anti-Trump. And when you lose badly, CNN will bring you on and commiserate.

CNN FINALLY Covers Cuomo Claims...But Gives It 96 Seconds in Two Days

February 25th, 2021 11:43 PM

After over 24 hours of silence, CNN decided to acknowledge on Thursday Lindsey Boylan’s sexual harassment claims against Prime Time host Chris Cuomo’s brother and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and the latest blows in the state’s nursing home scandal, but only tossed scraps to the viewers they treat like small-brained proles with only 96 seconds over two news briefs. Worse yet, neither brief…


Prime Time CNN, MSNBC Cover-Up Cuomo Sexual Harassment Scandal

February 24th, 2021 11:09 PM

Proving just how politically craven and hypocritical they were, at no point during their Wednesday prime time lineup did CNN or MSNBC tell their viewers about the sexual harassment allegations against Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. It was a blatant double standard in the treatment they savaged conservatives like Justice Brett Kavanaugh with.


Obnoxious CNN Reporter Gets DESTROYED By FL Gov. DeSantis in Presser

January 5th, 2021 12:20 AM

In a heated back and forth during a Monday press conference about Florida’s rollout of the coronavirus vaccines, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was forced to put an obnoxious CNN correspondent in their place after they tried to filibuster and talk down to him. The liberal network actually took some time at the end of Erin Burnett OutFront to bellyache about the exchange.


Cuomo-Backing CNN Gripes About DeSantis Giving Vaccine to Elderly

December 30th, 2020 9:40 PM

Not only was CNN crucial in helping to downplay New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s (D) mass slaughter of nursing home residents earlier this year after packing coronavirus patients inside such facilities, but they spent Wednesday decrying Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) call to prioritize elderly residents of his state so they can get vaccinated against the same virus.


CNN Defends Warnock’s Sermons, Ignored Abusive Kids Camp He Ran

December 28th, 2020 10:42 PM

Even with new reporting from the Washington Free Beacon out Monday that detailed how, in 2002, a then 12-year-old boy was abused at a church camp overseen by future Senate Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock, CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront continued to be a staunch defender. Instead of reporting on the account of abuse victim Anthony Washington, senior national correspondent Kyung Lah…


Uncontested CNN Guest: ‘There Was a Little Cheating’ to Reelect Mitch

December 21st, 2020 9:45 PM

Disconnected from reality didn’t begin to describe what occurred on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront on Monday night. Retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was his usual unhinged self when he proclaimed that the 2020 presidential election was perfect before claiming (without evidence) “there was a little cheating” in Kentucky to reelect Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. And completely…


New Black Republican Already Accused of Historical Ignorance on BLM

November 23rd, 2020 10:24 AM

In the aftermath of black conservative former NFL player Burgess Owens getting elected to Congress, CNN host Erin Burnett was apparently so alarmed by his criticisms of the far-left Black Lives Matter movement that she gave Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn an unchallenged forum to accuse the Utah Republican of historical ignorance.


CNN Blames 'Soviet, Russian Tradecraft' for Hunter Biden E-Mails

October 19th, 2020 3:00 PM

CNN's National Security Analyst James Clapper blamed 'Russian Soviet trade craft' for the release of Hunter Biden's emails.


Sniffing Glue? Susan Rice Compares Trump to Mao, Erin Burnett Says Zip

September 20th, 2020 1:54 PM

CNN's Erin Burnett Upfront on Thursday somehow took President Trump's order to create a "1776 Commission" to advocate for better education of our liberty-based history and mangled it into....communist China? Erin Burnett's kooky guest was embarrassing Obama Benghazi spokesperson (and now Biden surrogate) Susan Rice. Is Erin a host? Or a stewardess? Did she bring Rice a cocktail and a…


Trump Camp Official Confronts CNN on Rights of Rally Attendees

September 16th, 2020 11:35 PM

Over the last few months, the liberal media have looked the other way as crowds who share their political bent packed the streets in cities across the country and undoubtedly spread the coronavirus. But at the same time, they’ve decried every time President Trump’s supporters gathered at his rallies and other political events. But during a Wednesday appearance on CNN’s Erin Burnett…


Infamous Cognitive Test Claims Yet Another Lacking CNN Host

July 23rd, 2020 11:26 PM

Almost 24-hours after the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test stumped CNN’s late-night dunces, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo and Don Lemon (who couldn’t correctly identify a picture of a rhino), the mental acuity test claimed yet another CNNer in OutFront host Erin Burnett. But not in the way you’re expecting. In a Thursday interview with test developer and neurologist, Dr. Ziad Nasreddine,…


CNN on Nasty St. Louis Crowd: 'Was This Protest Threatening Anyone?'

July 3rd, 2020 3:58 PM

On Monday's Erin Burnett OutFront, the show presented a pre-recorded report by correspondent Tom Foreman in which he tried to cover for protesters in St. Louis who broke into a gated community and reportedly shouted threats, leading a white couple to brandish weapons out of fear for their safety.