Maher: GOP Doesn't 'Believe in Democracy,' FNC Hosts are 'A**-Lickers'

Not surprisingly, the panel on Friday’s edition of Real Time weighed in on the impeachment inquiry that has sucked up all of the oxygen on Capitol Hill. Host Bill Maher suggested that Republicans’ behavior throughout the impeachment inquiry indicates that they “don’t believe in democracy anymore.” In addition, the panel took aim at Fox News; slamming the primetime hosts as “a**-lickers” and…
Ryan Foley
October 12th, 2019 5:55 PM

Newsweek Conspiracy: 'Greta Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize'

Newsweek reporter Rosie McCall offered a conspiracy theory as to how a 16-year-old environmental activist somehow failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year: “Greta Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize by Committee Run by Norway, One of the World's Biggest Oil and Natural Gas Exporters.” This new theory comes courtesy of a magazine fresh off breaking the news that opening tanning salons in…
Clay Waters
October 12th, 2019 5:33 PM

HuffPost Hammers ‘Vicious’ Trump Rally, Silent on Violent Protest

The day after the Trump rally in Minnesota, the tag line in The HuffPost’s “Morning Email” reads this way: “How Trump used the U.S. government to chase conspiracy theories; Plus, Trump’s vicious Thursday night rally.” When one clicks on the link to the rally story one is taken to this article headlined: “Trump Rips Rep. Ilhan Omar As ‘Fraud’ And ‘Disgrace’ During Rally In Her District. President…
Jeffrey Lord
October 12th, 2019 4:00 PM

Liberal Comics Defend Cancel Culture

It’s been a bad few weeks for Cancel Culture. Yes, a man who donated a cool million to a children’s hospital got “cancelled” for Tweets he sent as a teen. And Saturday Night Live quickly fired a new cast member after his racist comments not-so-magically surfaced. Still, cancel culture got hit with a few nasty uppercuts in recent weeks. Most notably, comedians Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle and…
Christian Toto
October 12th, 2019 1:30 PM

Is Warner Bros. Taking a Turn to the Right?

Everyone knows the saga surrounding the left-wing media company WarnerMedia. The AT&T-owned conglomerate’s divisions continue to engage in progressive groupthink, and viciously attack conservative counterparts to the messages being delivered on their news or entertainment offerings. Low-rated CNN, run by committed liberal Jeff Zucker, is obviously the worst offender when it comes to news…
Matt Norcross
October 12th, 2019 12:32 PM

NPR: Shepard Smith Quitting Fox Looks Like a 'Purge Based on Purity'

NPR's longtime loathing of Fox News approached Maximum Shamelessness on Friday night when NPR anchor Ari Shapiro suggested that Shepard Smith abruptly leaving Fox looked like "a purge based on purity." As if NPR has a pile of conservatives on staff for balance? In 2010, NPR fired Juan Williams for an appearance on Fox where he admitted he gets nervous when people wear Muslim garb on airplanes.
Tim Graham
October 12th, 2019 10:20 AM

Bozell & Graham Column: The NBA Grovels to China

The National Basketball Association found itself in the middle of a political firestorm of its own making when the Houston Rockets' general manager tweeted something simple and admirable: “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong.” The NBA’s first statement was cowardly. It began “We recognize that the views expressed by…Daryl Morey have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which…
Brent Bozell and Tim Graham
October 12th, 2019 7:01 AM

ABC Comedy Wants 'Public Shaming' for 'Murder' of 'Mother Earth'

ABC sitcom American Housewife jumped on the radical environmentalist bandwagon this week with Friday's episode “Bigger Kids, Bigger Problems.”
Elise Ehrhard
October 11th, 2019 10:33 PM

CNN Buries Kooky, Poorly-Rated LGBTQ Town Hall with 2020 Democrats

Despite the fact that the Jeffrey Zucker-led CNN has created a cottage industry out of town halls involving presidential candidates and/or their liberal causes, CNN showed very little interest in recapping their four-and-a-half-hour, horrendously-rated Thursday night LGBTQ town hall with nine 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Between midnight and 7:30 p.m. Eastern Friday (so 21 and a half…
Curtis Houck
October 11th, 2019 9:45 PM

Nets Punt on News CIA Whistleblower Worked with Joe Biden

Thursday night, Washington Examiner’s Rob Crilly, Steven Nelson, and David Drucker reported that alleged CIA whistleblower at the center of the congressional inquiry seeking to impeach and remove President Donald Trump “had a ‘professional’ tie” to “Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.” But on the Friday morning and evening flagship broadcast network…

Curtis Houck
October 11th, 2019 8:05 PM

College Professor Accuses SpongeBob of Cultural Appropriation

If you thought that leftist cancel culture couldn't get any more absurd, well, it just did. SpongeBob Squarepants, the popular television cartoon, has been accused of cultural appropriation by a university professor.
P.J. Gladnick
October 11th, 2019 7:35 PM

NY Times, Beyond Pathetic: GOP Catching Warren in Lie 'A Sexist Trope'

New York Times political reporter Thomas Kaplan performed impressive damage control on behalf of rising Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday. But he really raised his game in his Friday “news analysis” entitled, “As Warren Rises, Republicans Probe Her Biography for Points of Attack,” which was even more shameless in its feminist favoritism toward Warren. Kaplan hurled the “sexism”…
Clay Waters
October 11th, 2019 7:19 PM

‘Bedbug’ NY Times Columnist Withdraws From Public Debate With Rival

The ongoing battle between New York Times columnist Bret Stephens and George Washington University media professor Dave Karpf took another bizarre turn on Thursday, when Stephens pulled out of a scheduled debate with Karpf because the clash would not be closed to the public. Intended as the end of a feud between the two men that began back in August -- when the professor compared the columnist to…
Randy Hall
October 11th, 2019 7:09 PM

MSNBC Wonders 'What Does it Mean for Democracy' if Trump Wins in 2020

Given that half of the country thinks President Trump committed an act so egregious it warrants his impeachment, while the other half thinks he is the victim of the largest witch-hunt in modern history, it would be nice if there was an election that could sort this out.  Fortunately, there is an election in 13 months that will allow the voters to decide what they think of President Trump, Joe…
Alex Christy
October 11th, 2019 6:30 PM