Hollywood Celebs Convulse Over Limbaugh’s Medal of Freedom

Cruel media leftists absolutely cannot stand Rush Limbaugh having a joyful moment even after his late-stage cancer diagnosis. President Donald Trump invited conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh as one of his guests of honor at Tuesday's State of the Union Address.  

Gabriel Hays
February 4th, 2020 11:09 PM

Seconds After Speech Ends, Williams Assails ‘Dark,’ ‘Bizarre' Address

Just seconds after Donald Trump ended his third State of the Union address on Tuesday, — a speech that saw tributes to the heroics of our military and awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom —  MSNBC’s Brian Williams, immediately bashed it as “dark,” “bizarre” and “unusual.” Williams immediately launched into attack mode, decrying: “Hard to put how unusual this was from the…
Scott Whitlock
February 4th, 2020 11:08 PM

Rush Limbaugh Awarded Medal of Freedom During SOTU

A day after conservative talk radio host and icon Rush Limbaugh announced that he had been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, Limbaugh and wife Kathryn were in Washington as guests of honor in First Lady Melania Trump’s box during President Donald Trump’s Tuesday evening State of the Union Address. In addition to addressing Limbaugh directly, Trump surprised Limbaugh and the audience by…
Curtis Houck
February 4th, 2020 10:16 PM

Matthews Compares Trump to Satan, U.S. Making a ‘Deal With the Devil'

What was Chris Matthews thinking about in the moments before the State of the Union? Politics? Policy? Nope. He was explaining to the MSNBC audience how Donald Trump is like Satan and Americans are making a “deal with the devil” if they reelect him. Referencing the tempation of Christ by Satan, Matthews said of Americans: “[Trump] will tell us why we should love him. He will promise us the world…
Scott Whitlock
February 4th, 2020 9:53 PM

ABC, NBC Omit New Poll Showing Trump Approval Spike to Record High

Ahead of President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, Gallup, a polling service often cited by the media, released their latest findings that showed the President’s approval rating hitting a new record high of 49 percent (highest ever from Gallup), despite the impeachment trial. It was an inconvenient truth that ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News refused to report during…
Nicholas Fondacaro
February 4th, 2020 9:19 PM

Don’t See That Often: On MSNBC, Carville Blasts 'AOC Crazy'

You know it’s bad when partisan Democrat James Carville has to be the one to call out the party’s far-left tilt. Appearing on MSNBC, Tuesday, the former Bill Clinton operative warned of a coming liberal “cult” and blasted the press for going “AOC crazy.” He repeatedly predicted that Democrats could turn into the deeply unpopular British Labour Party. Clearly, Carville isn’t a fan of socialism as…
Scott Whitlock
February 4th, 2020 7:48 PM

‘Let That Set in’; Bolduan Falls for ‘Emotional’ Pete Buttigieg

Finding himself Tuesday evening in first place following the first wave of results from the disastrous Iowa caucuses, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg was treated to soft, warm interview with CNN host Kate Bolduan imploring the “emotional” 2020 Democrat to “let” his first place standing “set in.” Bolduan also reminisced over a February 2019 interview she conducted with Buttigieg…
Curtis Houck
February 4th, 2020 7:31 PM

Univision SOTU Analysis: Sadly, Trump Will Apologize For Nothing

Univision may have finally figured out a way around the inconvenient fact that Bill Clinton was the first sitting president to deliver a State of the Union Address while in an impeachment trial: By saying, “well, at least he apologized.” 
Jorge Bonilla
February 4th, 2020 6:00 PM

Confronting Bias: RNC Asks Supporters about Big Tech Censorship

The GOP thinks that fighting Big Tech censorship might be a winning election issue. So much so, that the party is surveying voters about the issue as part of a nationwide grassroots effort. Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily and author Paul Sperry tweeted “BREAKING: New RNC questionnaire mailed to voters nationwide asks: ‘Do you believe social media companies are suppressing…
Alexander Hall
February 4th, 2020 4:44 PM

MSNBC Analyst Blames 'Systemic Racism,' Border Policy for Iowa Caucus

MSNBC political analyst and former Clinton campaign aide Zerlina Maxwell claimed first time caucus-goer turnout in Iowa was low Monday night because white people don’t care about “brown kids in cages.” She also blamed “systemic racism” for Iowa having a white voter majority.
Kristine Marsh
February 4th, 2020 4:29 PM

Does Facebook Policy Classify Denying Trans Identities as Hate Speech?

Facebook declared in its terms of service update that "denying existence" of people based on “protected characteristics” is a violation of its community standards on "hate speech." Facebook updated its community standards with little fanfare this past December. In a statement, the social media giant explained that it is forbidden to target a person or group of people on the basis of “…
Alexander Hall
February 4th, 2020 3:52 PM

NBC Hypes Left-Wing Actor’s Nasty Smear of Limbaugh

After talk radio host Rush Limbaugh disclosed on Monday that he had been diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer, on Tuesday, NBC’s Today show just couldn’t resist the urge to snipe at the conservative icon. In the midst of a report on the troubling health news, a vicious tweet was featured of a left-wing celebrity claiming that Limbaugh “doesn’t think poor people deserve” medical care.
Kyle Drennen
February 4th, 2020 3:50 PM

Telemundo Hypes ‘Kids in Cages’ Installation During Iowa Caucus Report

Telemundo News’ coverage of the Iowa Caucus remind us all of how critically important illegal immigration is for the network. Correspondent Vanessa Hauc chose to insert drama -as if any more were needed given the voting chaos- to emphasize the subject of immigration, one that has been completely absent from the Democrat primary campaign (didn´t they love undocumented immigrants?).
Kathleen Krumhansl
February 4th, 2020 3:30 PM

Soros: Zuckerberg Controlling Facebook Might Help Get Trump Re-Elected

Liberal billionaire “Godfather of the Left” George Soros thinks Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg should not be in charge of Facebook. Joining a host of others on the left, Soros fears Zuckerberg’s recent free speech stance and believes Facebook might help get President Donald Trump re-elected.
Joseph Vazquez
February 4th, 2020 2:28 PM