‘Ellen’ Crew ‘Distressed and Outraged’ at Treatment by Star, Producers

In another example of liberals following their unspoken motto of “Do as I Say, Not as I Do,” members of the crew for The Ellen DeGeneres Show are “distressed and outraged” over poor treatment from the weekday talk show’s star and her top producers. The long-running show has had a crew of more than 30 employees, and they had not received any written communication about the status of their working…
Randy Hall
April 18th, 2020 10:20 PM

Protest Platform: China Cracks Down on 'Animal Crossing' Video Game

Communist China is now trying to take the fun out of the new game Animal Crossing: New Horizons by banning sales of it there, and it's all thinaks to the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong using the game as a platform to get their dissident message across.
Matt Norcross
April 18th, 2020 5:46 PM

San Francisco Chronicle Spins for Pelosi’s Corona Chinatown Invite

On January 31st, President Trump announced a travel ban from China. And was promptly denounced as a racist and xenophobe by both Democrats and the media. There, for example, was former Vice President Joe Biden tweeting this:
Jeffrey Lord
April 18th, 2020 4:00 PM

Zakaria Complains There Was Military Response After 9/11 Attacks

Appearing as a guest on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, CNN host Fareed Zakaria complained that the U.S. invaded Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks, and engaged in some bizarre history revisionism as he suggested that the only response that was needed was to start locking cockpit doors. Additionally, Zakaria went over the top in lauding President Barack Obama as being similar to Star…
Brad Wilmouth
April 18th, 2020 3:01 PM

CNN's Bernstein: Trump Tweets Incited Insurrection

It is one thing to claim that President Trump's Friday tweets calling to "liberate" various states were unwise and counterproductive, but according to Carl Bernstein, who joined CNN's Chris Cuomo that night, they were tantamount to inciting insurrection.  
Alex Christy
April 18th, 2020 2:56 PM

NYT Whining Trump Won't Play Dictator: 'Ceding...Leadership' on Virus

Make up your mind! The New York Times, which has criticized Donald Trump for wanting to play dictator in his response to the coronavirus pandemic, is now criticizing him for “ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic” on Saturday’s front page: “Right-Wing Protests Find Megaphone in Trump.” Reporters Michael Shear and Sarah Mervosh stated: "His stark departure from the more…
Clay Waters
April 18th, 2020 2:31 PM

Remember When Lady Gaga Joined Biden for MeToo PSA?

Hollywood loves nothing more than teaming with politicians to send a message. Stars spent eight full years coordinating with the Obama administration on everything from volunteerism to the calamitous ObamaCare rollout. That sense of unity disappeared like so many Thanos victims once a Republican entered the White House in 2017.
Christian Toto
April 18th, 2020 1:30 PM

FLASHBACK: Remember THIS Biden Blunder? The Press Hope You Don't

Journalists in the news media are used to covering for Joe Biden’s gaffes. In the spring of 2020, the networks have been maintaining silence over accusations of sexual abuse against the ex-vice president by a former staffer. But considering that both Biden and China are very much in the news these days, we thought it might be instructive to look back at another Biden Blunder. On August 21, 2011,…
Scott Whitlock
April 18th, 2020 12:15 PM

Williams Wails: Trump Stoking ‘Populist Prairie Fire’ Against Dem Govs

On MSNBC Friday afternoon, co-anchors Brian Williams and Katy Tur denounced President Trump for urging some states less impacted by the coronavirus to gradually reopen. Williams claimed Trump was trying to stoke “populist prairie fire” against Democratic governors “who so far have been adept in handling this virus.”
Kyle Drennen
April 18th, 2020 11:41 AM

MSNBC Cues Pelosi to Spew Trump 'Hoax' Lie, Claim Trump 'Cost Lives'

MSNBC ducked out of the Friday night briefing for a typical DNC-style softball interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Republicans get the third degree, Democrats get the "What would you like to say about that?" Melber started by asking Pelosi to "walk us through" what's going on with the small-business loan program that's running out of funds. Then Melber cued up the Speaker to lie that the…
Tim Graham
April 18th, 2020 11:09 AM

Media Are Still Peddling One of the Great Myths of the Depression

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once cautioned newcomers to learn from those who held the same positions before. “Try to make original mistakes rather than needlessly repeating theirs,” he said. Harry Kazianis should have taken Rumsfeld’s advice before writing this annoying paragraph on April 2: "The rapidly worsening pandemic is shaping up as the defining challenge of the Trump…
Lawrence W. Reed
April 18th, 2020 10:30 AM

Conflict of Interest: 'Queer Nerd' NBC Reporter Supports LGBT Lawsuits

Encouraged by media supporters, this week LGBT legal guns went to court to launch legal proceedings aimed at re-defining gender. They filed suit against two new Idaho laws banning transgender males from competing on women's public school teams and from changing their gender on their birth certificates. There was little neutrality visible in media accounts of the lawsuits, particularly with the…
Jay Maxson
April 18th, 2020 10:00 AM

PBS NewsHour Finally Discusses Sexual-Assault Charge Against Biden

On Friday night, more than three weeks after Tara Reade shared her allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in 1993, the PBS NewsHour arrived on the story by interviewing reporter Lisa Lerer, one of the authors of the belated New York Times piece on Reade. Lerer couldn't spin quickly enough away from any comparison of the Biden allegations to the unsubstantiated rape…

Tim Graham
April 18th, 2020 6:37 AM

MSNBC's Jeremy Bash Urges Trump To Stop 'Scapegoating' China

Amidst the backdrop of the U.S. government looking into whether the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab and China revising its official death count, MSNBC's Jeremy Bash joined Andrea Mitchell on her Friday show to urge the administration to stop scapegoating and denigrating China with "xenophobic rhetoric."
Alex Christy
April 18th, 2020 6:10 AM