PBS Links GOP to Racism, Wrongly Implies George Wallace Was Republican

On Thursday evening, PBS NewsHour displayed the latest example of journalists and other liberals suggesting that segregationist former Alabama Governor George Wallace was a Republican when he, in fact, was a lifelong Democrat.

Brad Wilmouth
July 5th, 2020 6:02 AM

Here’s the WORST Moments from MSNBC’s America-Hating Rushmore Coverage

MSNBC debased itself Friday night with a vile display of hatred for America, the Constitution (except the freedom of the press), the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and positive celebrations of both where the country has been and where we hope to go. Led by The Beat host Ari Melber, it was a despicable 103 minutes of venom, filled with calls to go beyond Confederate…

Curtis Houck
July 4th, 2020 8:26 PM

PEOPLE List of 'Reasons to Love America' Dominated by CNN, Obama

People magazine's July 4 double issue promised their list of "100 Reasons to Love America." But they made a list of leftist talking points. Number one (and pretty much number two) was "Peaceful Protests" against police officers.

Tim Graham
July 4th, 2020 4:00 PM
Tiffany Cross AM Joy 7-4-20

Joy Reid Show Combines Ignorance of History with Death Wish for Trump

Different host, same joyless vitriol . . . With Joy Reid poised to take over Chris Matthews' former weekday slot on MSNBC, Reid's weekend show was guest-hosted today by Tiffany Cross, who's been a regular guest there. It didn't take long for Cross to demonstrate that the show's level would not be elevated should she become Reid's permanent replacement. The very first segment, dedicated to a…

Mark Finkelstein
July 4th, 2020 2:34 PM

Black Activists: Tina Fey Should Hold to Her Cancel-Culture Standard

Project 21 isn't your typical black organization. It's conservative. They have formally asked the Kennedy Center to rescind its Mark Twain Prize from 2010 recipient Tina Fey, since she now believes she inappropriately put blackface scenes in her show 30 Rock. 

Christian Toto
July 4th, 2020 2:08 PM

On PBS, David Brooks Praises the 'Jefferson Project' of Never-Trumpers

On Friday night's PBS NewsHour, David Brooks gaffes, calls the Lincoln Project of ex-McCain advisers the "Jefferson Project." He claims THEY are conservatives, Trump is merely an anti-leftist.

Tim Graham
July 4th, 2020 12:23 PM

Lefty Media Have Long History of Contempt for America

This year’s Independence Day arrives with buckets of leftist media contempt for America’s Founders and ideals. But it’s not just a 2020 phenomenon, of course, as flag-waving patriotism has never really been the fashion in Liberal Media Land. For decades, the Media Research Center has been tracking liberal journalists’ antipathy towards America.

Rich Noyes
July 4th, 2020 12:00 PM

Falling Daily COVID-19 Deaths Avoided in Most Media Virus Reports

If the daily deaths from COVID-19 were rising, it is a pretty safe bet that almost all of the mainstream media would be highlighting that statistic. Most likely you would see it in either the headlines or the first paragraphs of reports about the virus. Instead you very rarely see the statistics for the daily COVID-19 deaths. Can you guess why?


P.J. Gladnick
July 4th, 2020 11:02 AM

CNN Worried 2019 Trump July Fourth Rally Would 'Foam' With 'Violence'

In 2019, in a pre-pandemic age, Donald Trump addressed a packed Fourth of July crowd at the Lincoln Memorial. Yet, leading up to the speech, CNN fretted over the coming address as dangerous and potentially provoking violence. New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota talked to Josh Dawsey of the Washington Post and worried

Scott Whitlock
July 4th, 2020 10:30 AM

Will Joe Biden's Press Corps Reelect Trump?

So as the nation heads into the Fourth of July holiday, former Vice President Joe Biden emerges from his basement and holds a press conference. And the  media? In stark contrast to the hardball they play with both the President and his White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany it was softball city.

Jeffrey Lord
July 4th, 2020 7:00 AM

Tucker Carlson's Ratings So Hot It Spurs Tucker-for-President Chatter

The ratings race among all three cable news channels heated up during the second quarter of 2020, but he talk about Tucker Carlson's number-one ratings is so giddy it's spurring Tucker Carlson for President chatter for 2024....as if we elect TV hosts as a matter of course. He drew a record 4.33 million viewers in the second quarter.

Randy Hall
July 4th, 2020 6:34 AM

CNN Censors, MSNBC Barely Carries Trump Speech at Mount Rushmore

On Friday night, CNN completely ignored and MSNBC barely covered President Donald Trump’s 42-minute speech at Mount Rushmore that offered a full-throated defense of the four Presidents engraved in the South Dakota mountainside, who have come under attack by a liberal media hellbent on poisoning Americans into trashing those who came before us. CNN refused to carry a single second of the speech…

Curtis Houck
July 4th, 2020 1:55 AM

CNN Reporter Bashes Mount Rushmore as 'Monument of Two Slave Owners'

On Friday, conservative Twitter "pounced" on CNN reporter Leyla Santiago as she told Jake Tapper that Trump will speak at Mount Rushmore, where he'll stand "in front of a monument of two slave owners, and on land wrestled away from Native Americans."

Tim Graham
July 3rd, 2020 9:37 PM

MSNBC's Simmons Blames GOP Wars For Putin's Hostility

After years of decrying President Trump and Republicans for being too soft on Russia or worse, being a willing partner in Vladimir Putin's anti-American foreign policy, MSNBC's Keir Simmons found himself on Tuesday blaming the United States, or at the very least President Bush, for Putin's hostility towards America and the West.

Alex Christy
July 3rd, 2020 6:56 PM