SHOCK: NBC Shoots Down Dem Claims ACB on Mission to Nix ObamaCare

As ABC became an active mouthpiece for the fearmongering of Senate Democrats in the confirmation process of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and CBS falsely claimed she was “dodging questions” on how she would rule, NBC Justice correspondent Pete Williams took to Tuesday’s Nightly News and largely dismantled the Democratic suggestion that the Judge would deal the death…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 13th, 2020 11:06 PM

CNN's Avlon Wails: Barrett Sitting in 'Stolen' Federal Court Seat!

Since the death of Justice Ginsburg and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, leftist networks and Democrats have tried a plethora of attacks to stop or block the nomination. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has called the process ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘distorting democracy’. During the Senate confirmation hearing, his vice presidential nominee, Senator Kamala Harris, decried it as an illegitimate…

Joseph Norris
October 13th, 2020 10:47 PM

Rush Limbaugh Touts the New York Times: A COVID Optimism Outbreak!

It's always fascinating when Rush Limbaugh is more enthusiastically spreading a report from The New York Times more than the liberal media. On Tuesday, Rush read from Ryan Saavedra at the Daily Wire that Times pandemic reporter Donald McNeil Jr. confessed an outbreak of optimism on the coronavirus forecast, and he wrote the federal vaccine effort was working with "remarkable…

Tim Graham
October 13th, 2020 10:21 PM

UNREAL: Blitzer GRILLS Pelosi on Stimulus, Gets Called GOP ‘Apologist’

Christmas came early for those wanting CNN to resemble a real news organization (albeit for only 14 minutes) on Tuesday’s Situation Room as host Wolf Blitzer hammered Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for refusing to accept offers of compromise for coronavirus stimulus from Republicans and the White House. In response, Pelosi melted down at the idea of facing adversarial questions,…

Curtis Houck
October 13th, 2020 9:40 PM

CNN Hysteria: Barrett 'Spells Doom' for Abortion; Hearings: Dangerous

CNN’s New Day was on full offensive Monday morning in the minutes leading up to Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. In the span of about ten minutes they laid out attacks on Barrett and Senate Republicans. One notable thing, they did not even mention the excellent credentials of the judge or that she is extremely qualified to sit on the Court. Instead, New Day co-host…

Joseph Norris
October 13th, 2020 8:45 PM

‘Dodging Questions’: CBS Anchor Smears ACB for Obeying ‘Ginsburg Rule'

Ever since the vile left invented the idea of “Borking” a judicial nominee in the late 1980s, it has been the precedent that nominees would not comment on how they would rule on any given topic. It was Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s staunch application of the precedent that gave it the name “the Ginsburg Rule.” Even recent judicial nominee has adhered to this precedent, yet according to CBS Evening…

Nicholas Fondacaro
October 13th, 2020 8:38 PM

Cuomo Fears Court Packing Dodge ‘Hurting Biden’

Over the past week, there has been a controversy over the fact that Joe Biden and his campaign will not answer a simple question - whether or not he will support partisan court packing, where seats are added to the Supreme Court to ensure a left-wing majority. Over the weekend, Biden said that voters would know his stance on court packing after the election. His vice presidential nominee…

Joseph Norris
October 13th, 2020 7:38 PM

Can’t Touch This! Hollywood Struggles To Hurt Amy Coney Barrett

Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett is just too good. Not only is she a God-fearing conservative with pro-life views and seven children, she’s the reached the heights of career success that most secular liberal women only dream of.

Gabriel Hays
October 13th, 2020 3:59 PM

'View' Fawns Over Cindy McCain 'Bravely' Endorsing Biden

In between their constant, bitter attacks against Republicans, The View co-hosts found time Tuesday to fawn over the kind of Republican they actually like --- the ones who campaign for Democrats. Cindy McCain was welcomed to the show where she spent the entire first segment appealing to Americans to vote for Joe Biden. 

Kristine Marsh
October 13th, 2020 3:05 PM

MSNBC LIES: ‘Moderate’ Biden and Dems ‘Warranted’ to Pack Court

Over the last several days, Joe Biden has repeatedly muddled his non-position on court packing, at one point declaring that voters “don’t have a right to know” what he would do. On Monday, the Democrat declared himself “not a fan.” That was enough for MSNBC to declare the issue dead and concluded. Reporter Geoff Bennett hailed the “moderate” Biden and insisted that Democrats were “warranted”…

Scott Whitlock
October 13th, 2020 2:49 PM

TikTok Leftists Donate Nearly $16,000 to GOP Trying to Sabotage Trump

TikTok users devised a new strategy to harass President Donald Trump, but in doing so, they ended up donating nearly $16,000 to the GOP.  A viral campaign on TikTok urged users to reserve spots at Trump’s rally in Staten Island, New York in September. The goal was to try to drive down attendance. Instead, the Staten Island GOP turned the tables on them, the New York Post reported. The…

Kayla Sargent
October 13th, 2020 2:41 PM

Netflix CEO Defends 'Cuties' Against 'Censoring Storytelling'

The continuing controversial saga of Netflix’s release of the movie Cuties is sadly still going. This time, a Netflix CEO decided to weigh in on the media backlash following the movie. As usual, his answer serves to only make things worse.

Lindsay Kornick
October 13th, 2020 2:18 PM

STUDY: Spanish Nets Covered RBG Passing 4X As Much As Scalia's

The untimely passing of an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court is a major national event with huge ramifications that warrants topmost news coverage. MRC Latino's latest study shows, however, that the nation's leading Spanish-language networks found the passing of a liberal icon to be much more newsworthy than that of a conservative stalwart.

Jorge Bonilla
October 13th, 2020 1:45 PM
Joe Biden

ABC Hails Biden as ‘Grown-Up in the Race,’ Nets Slam Trump Rally

As all three network morning shows on Tuesday slammed President Trump returning to the campaign trail after recovering from coronavirus, ABC’s Good Morning America was particularly enamored with attacks hurled by Democratic nominee Joe Biden, which the partisan broadcast cheered as the “grown-up in the race.”

Kyle Drennen
October 13th, 2020 1:06 PM