
Hoover Relaunches Buckley’s Firing Line By Accusing GOP of Racism

June 25th, 2018 5:08 PM
Providing yet another reason to defund public broadcasting, PBS has tapped liberal Republican and CNN political commentator Margaret Hoover to relaunch conservative icon William F. Buckley’s legendary public affairs program Firing Line. As Hoover appeared Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America to promote the new show, co-host George Stephanopoulos teed up a clip of her grilling House Speaker Paul…

CNN's Hoover: Democrats 'Deserve' to 'Have a Heyday in November'

June 16th, 2018 11:54 AM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, liberal Republican CNN contributor Margaret Hoover advocated voting for Democratic candidates against pro-Donald Trump Republicans, and proclaimed that Democrats "deserve" to "have a heyday in November."

CNN's Boykin: 'Donald Trump Exists to Divide Us'

June 3rd, 2018 9:57 AM
During Thursday’s edition of CNN’s At This Hour with Kate Bolduan, CNN commentator Keith Boykin went on a rant against President Trump, saying “Donald Trump exists to divide us. Everything he does is divisive.” Boykin also effectively blamed President Trump for comedian Samantha Bee’s decision to refer to his daughter Ivanka as a “c***”: “I think the larger point here that is missing is the…

EXPOSED: CNN’s Don Lemon Caught Palling Around With Avenatti

May 17th, 2018 5:38 PM
One of CNN’s most blatant hypocrisies is their double standard when it comes slamming Fox News hosts for their relationships with President Trump. This criticism could be valid if those same CNN employees didn’t spend their free time palling around with those out to carve out their pound of flesh. The latest example of this was exposed via a late night tweet from a former aide to New York…

CNN Panel Members Unanimously Slime: Fox News Is 'Not News'

April 18th, 2018 12:42 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of whether conservative FNC host Sean Hannity should have divulged earlier that he has an association with Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen, there seemed to be unanimous agreement that Fox News is "not news."

CNN Is Now GNN: The Grinch News Network

December 27th, 2017 9:15 AM
Who knew that two words could drive the people at CNN this crazy? At the network which has exemplified fake news since Donald Trump's election in 2016, the "resistance" to Trump's preference for saying "Merry Christmas" during this time of year has led network talking heads to repeated denials that there ever has been a war on Christmas, while at the same time trying to open new fronts in that…

'My God, Is That SNL?' CNN's Lemon Laughs at GOP Praise for Trump

December 21st, 2017 4:25 PM
Republicans celebrated a big win on Wednesday, and CNN Tonight anchor Don Lemon responded by mocking it as a “festival of flattery” for an egotistical president. Lemon pretended that this kind of gushing over a president has never been done in modern times, as if Lemon’s never watched network TV coverage of the Obamas, or the Clintons, or the Kennedys. He laughed and said, "My God, is that SNL?…

Lemon Frets 'Dark Ages' for Transgenders, Stacks Panels w Liberals

July 27th, 2017 1:03 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon declared that President Donald Trump's announced policy of barring transgenders from serving in the military would be a "return to the dark ages." He then proceeded to command over two panels on the subject in which each panel featured just one right-leaning guest to defend the policy up against two liberal guests plus host Lemon to advocate the liberal…

CNN's Cuomo Hits Conservative Guest From Left on Health Care

January 18th, 2017 3:39 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo ripped a proposal to let health insurance companies compete across state lines. Cuomo pointed out to Matt Schlapp that Rep. Marsha Blackburn cited "one of my favorite bills — let's open up the state lines, and let all the companies compete....not only do we have some of that in the system already, but there is no proof...that that would guarantee access…

CNN Panel Hits Trump 'Very Conservative' 'Dog Whistle' Court Picks

May 19th, 2016 8:34 PM
On Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360, an eight-member panel consisting of only one solid conservative, combined with several solid liberals, was mostly down on GOP presidential candidate's short list of possible Supreme Court picks. With socially liberal Republican Margaret Hoover, who referred to the picks as a "dog whistle to social conservatives," joining with other liberals to gripe about the…

CNN's Hoover Slams 'Draconian' Religious Freedom Laws

April 12th, 2016 3:48 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Monday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of proposed religious freedom laws in states like Mississippi and the bathroom law in North Carolina, CNN political commentator Margaret Hoover slammed the measures as "draconian laws that dismiss LGBT people." For his part, host Don Lemon labeled the laws as "crazy" after liberal Republican Hoover recalled polling that…

CNN's Hoover: 'Far Right Wing' Will Find Trump 'Mushy' on Illegals

July 31st, 2015 12:43 PM
As if one had to be "far right wing" to oppose giving legal status to most of the country's millions of illegal immigrants, CNN political analyst Margaret Hoover on Friday's New Day asserted that the "far right wing of the Republican Party" will oppose Donald Trump's plan to allow the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S. to acquire legal status.

CNN: New Clinton E-Mails 'Dispute' GOP's Benghazi 'Narrative'

May 22nd, 2015 5:43 PM
Friday's New Day on CNN played up that the Hillary Clinton e-mails revealed by the New York Times "dispute the narrative that has been around for two years that she was trying to cover something up" about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, as Alisyn Camerota put it. The CNN anchor also wondered, "Isn't this the opposite of what the GOP has been saying about her – that she...tried to keep it…

CNN's Cuomo Cracks 'Brain Damage' Joke About Republicans

April 21st, 2015 4:50 PM
Liberal CNN anchor Chris Cuomo took a shot at Republicans on Tuesday's New Day, as he touted the most recent poll results from his network that found poor approval numbers for congressional Republicans. When regular guest Margaret Hoover asserted that "there is Republican brand damage," Cuomo cracked, "Brain damage? What did you say?"