HuffPo Article Claims Tea Party is 'Motivated by Bigotry, Ignorance, a

March 4th, 2010 11:39 AM
“And when you throw out all of the nonsense and contradictions, there's nothing left except race.”The Huffington Post’s Bob Cesca apparently has the Tea Party movement all figured out. According to him, it’s all about race. In a March 3 article, “The Tea Party Is All About Race,” Cesca blasts the Tea Party members for supposedly being racists who are upset that an African-American is in the White…

HuffPo Columnist Calls Palin Fans 'Easily-Led Gomers

October 30th, 2008 7:28 AM
"Her politics of fear and division . . . must be wholly rejected on Tuesday."  Bob Cesca, The Mandatory Rejection of Sarah Palin, HuffPo 10-29-08For a guy who calls for the rejection of the "politics of fear and division," Bob Cesca has an odd way of showing it.  His HuffPo column is one long, headfirst dive into the ugly politics he purports to decry.  Cesca hurls insult after distortion not…