MSNBC Passes Off Environmental Alarmist, Anti-Nuclear Activist As Expe

March 31st, 2011 4:23 PM
Filling in for Martin Bashir on his eponymous program on Thursday, MSNBC's Richard Lui treated viewers to an alarmist environmentalist's take on news of trace amounts of radioactive iodine being detected in milk from cows in two West Coast states. It's believed the radiation is linked to the failed Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan. After noting that the Environmental Protection Agency has…

NPR Uses 'The China Syndrome,' 'On the Beach' to Hype Radiation Threat

March 29th, 2011 2:50 PM
On Monday's All Things Considered, NPR's Bob Mondello used movies about fictional nuclear disasters, such as "The China Syndrome" and "Silkwood," to play up atomic energy's hazards. Mondello especially highlighted the 1959 movie "On the Beach" as supposedly coming the closest to the portraying a real-life radiation catastrophe, such as the ongoing crisis at the Japanese nuclear plant. Host…

CBS's Chris Wragge Warns of Radioactive 'Plutanium' Leak in Japan

March 25th, 2011 5:56 PM
On the March 25 CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge apparently merged his nuclear terms by warning viewers of leaks of "uranium and plutanium" at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Neither he nor co-host Erica Hill ever corrected the error. View the video below:

No Nukes: How Three Mile Island was Disaster for Media Credibility

March 22nd, 2011 10:28 AM
The massive earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan on March 11 claimed many lives and knocked the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant offline reviving decades-old fears as well as liberal media bias about nuclear power. The news media have promoted anti-nuclear positions since the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, although that incident did not injure or kill anyone and no long-term health…

Krauthammer: 'Nuclear Energy Is Dead' After Japanese Crisis

March 20th, 2011 10:11 PM
It was likely not a surprise to "Inside Washington" viewers that most of the usual suspects on the panel Friday saw the crisis in Japan as not being good for the future of nuclear powered electrical plants in this country. What certainly must have raised a couple of eyebrows though was the strongest opposition to any further construction of such facilities coming from lone conservative…

Ed Schultz Attacks 'Toxic' Ann Coulter: 'There Is Always Misinformatio

March 19th, 2011 4:14 PM
The liberal media collectively hyperventilated the past couple of days after conservative author Ann Coulter had the nerve to claim that radiation at certain levels is actually a good thing. Jumping on the breathless bandwagon was MSNBC's Ed Schultz Friday who called Coulter "toxic" as he attacked her assertions without clearly elucidating her point (video follows with transcript and…

NPR Slants Towards Democrats By 5-2 Margin in Report on Nuclear Energy

March 17th, 2011 6:21 PM
NPR's Scott Horsley favored Democrats over Republicans by a five-to-two margin on Thursday's Morning Edition. Horsley played sound bites or quoted from Obama administration officials or congressional liberals more often than from GOP representatives. During his report, the correspondent highlighted congressional concerns over the safety of nuclear energy during the Tuesday hearing of the…

Inconvenient Truth: Wind Energy Has Killed More Americans Than Nuclear

March 17th, 2011 1:43 PM
There has been quite a bit of hysteria among some major media outlets in the past few days regarding the potential dangers of nuclear power. Some have even suggested that the benefits of nuclear energy do not outweigh its potential dangers to human life. The dangers of nuclear power, while serious, need to be put in perspective. To that end, here's an interesting fact you won't be hearing…

Martin Bashir Gives Soapbox to Anti-nuclear Activist

March 15th, 2011 6:07 PM
On his eponymous program today, MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir interviewed a liberal environmental activist aiming to scare viewers into believing that nuclear energy poses an imminent threat to the safety of the United States. Bashir allowed a spokesman for Friends of the Earth, a left-wing environmental group, to declare nuclear facilities in California dangerous and unsafe, but neglected to…

Company That Brought Us ‘Lives Touched’ Set to Drop Over 1,000 Emp

January 26th, 2011 12:45 AM
This past summer, I covered a strange new metric popping up in job reports being provided by the Department of Energy; not jobs created or jobs saved, but rather - lives touched. ...(a) GAO report shows that the phrase ‘jobs created’ or ‘jobs saved’ is no longer the term of choice.  They have decided to go with – wait for it – ‘lives touched’.  

Hey! The Stimulus Really Is Creating Jobs

December 2nd, 2010 12:48 PM
From the same organization that gave us the ‘lives touched’ method for calculating stimulus job creation, the Department of Energy (DOE) has now stumbled upon a whole new way to increase employment.  The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday announced that they are investigating ‘an uncontrolled spread of radioactive material’ at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory in Niskayuna, New…

Chris Matthews Calls Republican Global Warming Skeptics Luddites

December 2nd, 2010 11:29 AM
Chris Matthews on Wednesday called Republicans that are skeptical of man's role in global warming Luddites, referring to the 19th century movement in Great Britain that was opposed to changes associated with the Industrial Revolution. Clearly missing the absurdity in his analogy, the "Hardball" host arrogantly stated (video follows with transcript and commentary):

David Gregory to Hillary Clinton: Might GOP Hurt U.S. Prestige and Oba

November 21st, 2010 5:20 PM
David Gregory is clearly concerned that if Republicans don't vote in favor of the START treaty with Russia, President Obama's international image, as well as American prestige abroad, will be damaged. On Sunday's "Meet the Press," Gregory asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "Is this going to potentially be a problem with the president not being able to get what he wants on the world…

Fox News 'Forbes on Fox' Panel: Detonate Nukes in Gulf to Stop Oil Spi

June 6th, 2010 12:22 AM
How's this for outside-the-box thinking - use nuclear explosives to stop the BP oil spill that is ravaging the Gulf Coast? According to some of the panelist on Fox News Channel's "Forbes on Fox," using nuclear materials would be a more expeditious way to solve this calamity. "That's right, nuke it." "Forbes on Fox" host David Asman said on the show's June 5 broadcast. "Some scientists do…