Liberal Journos Use End of '24' to Claim 'Torture,' Liken Intelligence

March 29th, 2010 1:22 PM
With the recently announced end of Fox's hit series "24," many liberal pundits are parading the show as a false depiction of the notion that "torture works." Contrary to their accusations, the Jack Bauer interrogation methods bear exactly zero resemblance to any actual interrogation techniques used by American military, law enforcement, or intelligence agents."On '24,' torture saves lives," the…

Sweetness & Light Rips AP Coverage of Judge's Release of Gitmo Detaine

March 23rd, 2010 2:20 PM
Doing work the Associated Press refused to do -- or more specifically, providing context the AP refused to provide -- Sweetness & Light's indefatigable blogger Steve Gilbert gave readers the back story behind the order by U.S. District Judge James Robertson (pictured at right) to release Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohamedou Ould Salahi. Salahi is said to have, in the words of the wire service's…

Rick Sanchez: Ann Coulter 'Exemplifies the Hardline Spirit of CPAC

February 22nd, 2010 6:08 PM
On Monday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez painted Ann Coulter and CPAC as "hardline." Sanchez also implied that the CPAC attendees were hypocritically cheering Dick Cheney: "I invited Ann Coulter, who exemplifies the hardline spirit of CPAC...and asked her why anti-spend conservatives meeting there...would give a standing ovation to a former vice president whose administration ran up the…

Slate's Kaplan: Tea Parties Don't Amount to Much; Blasts GOP, Palin

February 8th, 2010 8:45 PM
On Monday’s Rick’s List program on CNN, Slate’s Fred Kaplan attacked Republicans for politicizing national security, accused the GOP of being in an alternate reality, and blasted Sarah Palin for “talking...complete and utter nonsense.” Kaplan also wrote off the tea parties as not a “mass movement,” and, along with anchor Rick Sanchez, accused Palin of forwarding “anti-intellectualism.”The Slate…

Former Bush Official Rips CNN's Amanpour on Waterboarding and Torture

January 21st, 2010 11:31 AM
Marc Thiessen, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and author of "Courting Disaster," blasted Christiane Amanpour for comparing American interrogation techniques to what the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia after the Vietnam War. Appearing on CNN International Wednesday, Thiessen took issue with Amanpour's April 2008 piece "Scream Bloody Murder" in which she made the case that waterboarding was…

BBC: Former Guantanamo Prisoners Nothing More Than Charitable Pothead

January 12th, 2010 10:10 PM
The media has frequently made the deplorable decision to present prisoners at Guantanamo Bay as innocent choir boys, wrapped up in the evil that is a U.S. prison system run by blood thirsty prison guards. Such is the case of a recent piece by the BBC, covering a love-fest reunion between the former Guantanamo guard who has seen the light, repenting for his evil ways, and two ex-inmates whose only…

FNC’s Shepard Smith: Guantanamo Gave U.S. A ‘Black Eye

January 6th, 2010 5:57 PM
In an interview on Fox News Channel’s Studio B on Wednesday, New York Congressman Peter King criticized President Obama for his “race to close Guantanamo,” prompting host Shepard Smith to parrot left-wing talking points on the subject: “[Obama] said that gave us a black eye around the world and studies seem to suggest that’s exactly what it did.” King went on to staunchly defend the military…

CBS’s Rodriguez Calls on GOP to Stop ‘Partisan Bickering’ Over S

January 6th, 2010 1:47 PM
Speaking with Republican New York Congressman Peter King on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared: “Congressman, here you are a Republican talking about everything that’s wrong and everything that went wrong....Tom Kean, who was the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission said quote, ‘we should dismiss the partisan bickering over the security failures over this issue.”Rodriguez…

ABC's Wright Offers Sarcasm in Story on Conservative Criticism of Obam

December 30th, 2009 9:20 PM
Unlike CBS and NBC, ABC on Wednesday night reported on criticism from the right of how President Barack Obama is addressing terrorism, but correspondent David Wright tried to discredit the critics' points by reacting with astonishment and sarcastic snipes. Astonishment: “Do you really feel like President Obama has made the country less safe?” Sarcasm: Rebutting former Bush speech writer Marc…

On Law & Order's Persistent Leftward Lurch

December 14th, 2009 1:45 PM
Managing Editor's Note: The following is a reprint of Michael Moriarty's original December 14 post to Big Hollywood. Moriarty, you may recall, played a prosecutor in the first few seasons of the long-running NBC drama "Law and Order."Well, I think I’ve been fairly calm and forgiving of "Law and Order" for about fifteen years. Living outside of the U.S. has certainly helped in more ways than one.…

CBS News Legal Analyst Tries to Tamp Down 'Hysteria' Over Terror Trial

November 14th, 2009 9:35 PM
CBS News legal analyst Andrew Cohen is a long-time critic of the Bush administration, enhanced interrogation techniques, military tribunals, Gitmo, and many aspects of the government's prosecution of the war on terror. For general background, see Cohen's CBS News blog "Court Watch." It is, therefore, no surprise at all to see Cohen defending the propriety of the upcoming New York City terror…

Flashback: ABC's Boston Legal Ridiculed Idea MD Could Be a Terrorist

November 9th, 2009 4:52 PM
Two-and-a-half years before Army Major Nidal Hasan, a Muslim medical doctor, murdered 13 at Fort Hood in Texas in what more-and-more looks like a jihadist terrorist attack given his anti-American rants and ties to Islamic extremists, ABC's since-canceled Boston Legal drama ridiculed the idea a doctor could be a terrorist. A scene in the episode first aired on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 -- meant to show…

MSNBC Delights in Ad Denigrating Cheney: 'Brutal, But He Deserves It

September 2nd, 2009 9:13 PM
Late Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC's David Shuster and Chris Matthews made clear their agreement with the message of a new ad from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) which ridicules former Vice President Dick Cheney's past judgments and thus proclaims him  “WRONG” on the value of enhanced interrogation techniques, with Shuster declaring “he deserves” the “brutal ad” which makes, Matthews…

ABC and NBC Resist Vindicating Cheney, But Hayes Finds Proof EIT's 'Ef

August 25th, 2009 9:07 PM
ABC's Brian Ross and NBC's Andrea Mitchell on Tuesday night each listed some al Qaeda plots uncovered via CIA interrogations, but both balked when it came to vindicating former Vice President Dick Cheney on whether “enhanced interrogation techniques” (EITs) led to information which prevented attacks. “Nowhere in the reports...does the CIA ever draw a direct connection between the valuable…