Counterpunch Editor Mocks North Korean Defector, Train Crash Survivors

January 31st, 2018 6:23 PM
In a breathtaking, unhinged display apparently triggered by President Donald Trump's well-received State of the Union address, Counterpunch Editor Jeffrey St. Clair outrageously mocked invited guest, double amputee, and North Korean defector Ji Seong-ho as "Korea's version of Tiny Tim who brought his own crutches."

NYT Positions Megyn Kelly As Fox News Attack Dog Against ‘Hanoi Jane’

January 23rd, 2018 12:41 PM
New York Times media reporter John Koblin took note of a media skirmish between current NBC host Megyn Kelly and “Hanoi Jane” Fonda in Business Day: “In Echo of Fox Days, Kelly Lashes Back at Fonda.” Guess who the Times goes after? Both the headline and Koblin’s text treat Kelly like the attack-dog aggressor regrettably reverting to Fox News-style form, even though Kelly clearly has Fonda dead to…

Bizarre Castro Propaganda on the Front of the NY Times Travel Section

January 7th, 2018 6:38 PM
The front of the New York Times Sunday Travel page featured some pretty blatant bias by omission, courtesy of contributor Tony Perrottet, on the late Cuban dictators Fidel Castro -- a whitewashing of Communist history well-suited to the paper’s Red Century series of articles that left out the brutal history of Soviet and Chinese communism. The headline over the story, which covered three-quarters…

CBS Tries to Use Berlin Wall To Discredit Trump Wall, Israeli Barriers

January 2nd, 2018 7:11 AM
It seems someone at CBS thought it was a good idea to send correspondent Mark Phillips all the way to Germany and do a full report about the Berlin Wall just to suggest that all walls are bad, and therefore undermine President Donald Trump's push for a border wall, as well as Israel's security barrier which has likely saved thousands from being murdered by suicide bombers.

Univision News Can't Stop Promoting Radical Mayor Of San Juan

December 29th, 2017 5:07 PM
As 2017 draws to a close, Univision took one last opportunity to spotlight one of the network's new favorites: Carmen Yulín Cruz, the radical separatist mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

NYT Goes on Pro-Soviet Nostalgia Trip, Omits History of Mass Murder

December 28th, 2017 4:15 PM
On Wednesday, The New York Times closed out a shameful year-long campaign to whitewash and rehabilitate the legacy of communism by publishing yet another op-ed praising the Soviet Union. In spite of having spent ten years travelling throughout Russia talking to people about their family histories and memories of the Soviet period, writers Olga Shevchenko and Oksana Sarkisova were apparently…

Bernie Bro Joe Bemoans Tax Bill: ‘The Rich Are Getting Richer’

December 20th, 2017 5:17 PM
With the passage of the Republicans’ $1.5 trillion tax cut bill looming, most of Wednesday’s Morning Joe was devoted to portraying the legislation as not just bad policy (which would be par for the course on MSNBC), but a threat to America’s survival, prosperity, and democracy. “Conservative” co-host Joe Scarborough put on his Marxist cap to make the case that “the greatest threat to American-…

NY Times Venezuela Starvation Story Barely Notes Its Socialist Govt.

December 19th, 2017 11:57 PM
Any list of the year's most ignored news stories has to include Venezuela's frightening deterioration. This once reasonably prosperous South American nation is now in the grips of a brutal socialist de facto dictatorship which is moving inexorably to consolidate its control, accompanied by an utterly wrecked economy. Families cannot feed their children, and many are dying. The New York Times…

Furious Joe: Fox News Trying to Create Another ‘Timothy McVeigh’

December 18th, 2017 4:53 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough and his band of liberal misfits devoted a full segment of the show’s second hour to accusing Fox News journalists of trying to “inspire hatred that will lead to the killing of Americans.” How is Fox supposedly doing this? Well, in the minds of Scarborough and his fellow MSNBC pundits, Fox News hosts and guests who have compared Special Counsel…

On CNN, Filmmaker Jon Alpert Blames U.S. for Communism Failing in Cuba

November 25th, 2017 5:57 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's New Day on CNN a year after Fidel Castro's death to promote his film about Castro's Cuba, filmmaker Jon Alpert blamed the United States for the economic failures of communism on the island country as he charged that the U.S. ruined the Cuban economy by flooding the sugar market in the 1970s.

New USA Drama Bemoans ‘Unwashed Masses,’ Bashes Capitalism

November 15th, 2017 12:33 AM
USA’s Damnation premiered last week with the completely unoriginal message of how communism is a good idea (spoiler alert: it isn’t). This time around, we only continue the downward spiral of slamming capitalism for a wide audience. As an added bonus, we gain another reminder of how rich people are terrible.

Alt-Left Insanity: Libs Think Being a Real Man Is ‘Toxic’

November 11th, 2017 1:15 PM
It’s amazing how far we’ve fallen as a nation in less than 40 years when The Village People had a hit singing about being macho to now where the alt-left thinks it’s awful. And although the song is a bit sarcastic, it was embraced as a fun pop song to the point where even Donald Duck performed it.

BuzzFeed: Honoring Victims of Communism Is ‘White Nationalism'

November 8th, 2017 1:04 PM
A BuzzFeed journalist on Tuesday tweeted a sick and callous take on the effort to remember the 100 million murdered by communist regimes. Commenting on an effort by the White House to honor those slaughtered, BuzzFeed reporter Blake Montgomery  offered this idiotic response: 

USA Airs New Anti-Capitalist, Religion-Slamming Show 'Damnation'

November 8th, 2017 12:14 AM
I’m getting this feeling that the USA Network does not care for capitalism, which is weird since they seem perfectly fine with using it to promote their latest show Damnation. While their other anti-capitalist show Mr. Robot takes place relatively in present day, Damnation takes us back to the Great Depression era to once again promote a revolution for the common man against the evils of the…