
CNN Smears GOP as Raging Racist Opposition in Obama Legacy Special

December 8th, 2016 12:37 AM
In their two-hour-long documentary, The Legacy of Barack Obama, Wednesday, CNN allowed former Obama adviser Fareed Zakaria to set his sights on Congressional Republicans as he claimed their opposition was fueled by a deep-seated racism. “That fierce, unrelenting opposition, would haunt the next eight years and what began as whispers is now discussed openly,” he pontificated as ominous music…

AP, Several Other Outlets Ignore Hillary's 2005 Flag-Burning Bill

November 29th, 2016 11:25 PM
Well now. The press has been raking President-Elect Donald Trump over the coals for proposing "consequences" for burning the American flag. It's especially rich to see leftists like Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post invoke the name of the otherwise completely despised late Antonin Scalia, who was considered the tie-breaking Supreme Court Justice in the 1989 case when the Court ruled that flag-…

Journalists Fail to Correct Obama Howler on Economy

November 16th, 2016 12:36 AM
At a press conference in Greece on Tuesday, President Barack Obama claimed that when he came into office, "the economy was contracting faster than it did during the Great Depression, but we were able to intervene, apply lessons learned and stabilize and then begin growth again." Naturally, Elena Becatoros and Josh Lederman at the Associated Press and Gardiner Harris at the New York Times, all of…

Rolling Stone Loses 'Jackie' Case; Bar for 'Malice' Appears Lower

November 5th, 2016 3:00 PM
On Friday, a Virginia jury determined that Rolling Stone magazine defamed former University of Virginia associate dean of students Nicole Eramo when it published, and then refused to fully retract, its 9,000-word November 2014 "A Rape on Campus" story — and that the magazine did so with malice.

Whoopi: Trump Support Is 'Blowback From 4 Years of a Black President'

October 12th, 2016 2:24 PM
On Wednesday’s The View two of the most liberal hosts, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, came up with their own completely original and unheard of reason as for why Donald Trump had so many supporters: Because a lot of Americans are racist. Whoopi made the point, to which Behar agreed, before making the claim that Trump supporters hated Hillary Clinton simply because she was a woman, as well. This…

New NBC Show: History is Awesome – Except for Blacks

October 4th, 2016 1:40 AM
NBC’s Timeless aired its pilot episode Monday night and proved that history can be changed but the topic of racism will never stop being exploited on television.

AP Buries Obama's Use of Pseudonym to E-Mail Hillary's Private Server

September 26th, 2016 7:36 PM
Never let it be said that the folks at the Associated Press aren't on top of the news, making sure that readers as well as subscribers who use AP copy in their radio and TV broadcasts learn the most important developments of the day. That's sarcasm, folks. Friday evening, in a story primarily about the FBI's grant of immunity to longtime Hillary Clinton assistant Cheryl Mills, the AP's Michael…

AP Refuses to Accept Trump's True 'Hillary Started It' 'Birther' Claim

September 25th, 2016 10:32 PM
In a "Fact Check" published Wednesday afternoon, the Associated Press's Thomas Beaumont insisted that Donald Trump's September 16 statement that "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy," namely that then-candidate Barack Obama was not born in the United States, "is as untrue as his original lie." Some readers who don't get past Paragraph 3 might even believe that…

Clinton Camp Pushed Birtherism; AP Claims It's Still Trump's Problem

September 21st, 2016 6:52 AM
Investigative reporters at the Associated Press have occasionally come up with meaningful nuggets putting Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's conduct and record in a bad light. Examples include several scoops in the email/private-server scandal and its research finding that "More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of…

CNNers Deflect Reports Clinton Advisor Pushed Anti-Obama Birtherism

September 17th, 2016 9:34 PM

For much of Friday evening, CNN viewers could witness various on-air personalities of the news network put in the awkward position of trying to repeatedly argue that the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008 had nothing to do with promoting anti-Obama birther conspiracy theories, even while news was breaking that accused close Clinton confidant and advisor Sidney Blumenthal of personally trying to…

8 Years Late, McClatchy Reports Investigating Obama 'Birther' Rumors

September 17th, 2016 10:42 AM
Friday night, yours truly detailed the latest evidence demonstrating that the Hillary Clinton campaign and a close confidant of Mrs. Clinton herself were involved in early 2008 in spreading the “birther” rumors, i.e., that then-Illinois Senator Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. Despite this news and other longstanding items, the Associated Press and others still insist that there is "no…

AP Insists: 'No Evidence' Hillary Started Obama 'Birther' Rumors

September 16th, 2016 10:36 PM
The press continues to ignore reality by insisting that it's a settled matter that Hillary Clinton and conpany were never involved in fomenting and promoting the Barack Obama "birther" rumors. Even today, with damning new evidence that a campaign apparatchik started such an effort, and that a confidant whose relationship with the Clintons goes back to Bill Clinton's presidency pitched the story…

Embarrassing: WashPost Writes Clinton 'Allegedly Cheated on His Wife'

August 21st, 2016 12:23 PM
Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine has two cover stories, one for Bill Clinton and one (if you turn it upside down on the other side) for Melania Trump. As expected, Bill Clinton is going to get a gushier treatment. Post writer Neely Tucker is so tender to the president that he mangles a fact, and the copy editors (also tender hearts) allowed it. “Fact Checker” Glenn Kessler will not be assigned…

Matthews Falsely Claims Dems Haven't Had WH, Congress since 1960s

August 17th, 2016 1:10 AM
Tuesday’s Hardball on MSNBC featured textbook Chris Matthews with liberal spin (fretting over Donald Trump bringing up Clinton scandals in the debates), a decent segment (a touching tribute to the late John McLaughlin), and creepiness (uttering “what’s new, pussycat” to a female guest), but it also included a struggle with the facts as Matthews claimed that 2016 marks a chance for Democrats to…