Katie Couric Gushes Over Chelsea: 'Safe to Say...A Mom of the Year'

November 13th, 2014 10:57 PM

Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner delivered the inevitable news: “The media’s kissing up to the Clinton family, expected once Hillary Clinton jumps into the 2016 presidential race, has already arrived, thanks to Katie Couric’s fawning interview of former first daughter Chelsea, who gave birth for the first time just six weeks ago.”

From her perch as “global anchor” of Yahoo News, Couric brought all the usual bowing and scraping before the Clintons. She greeted Chelsea being named a Woman of the Year by (liberal) Glamour magazine as an enormous honor. “It must be so flattering to be added to that list,” Couric opened, adding with a wide smile, “A woman of the year, and I think it’s safe to say, probably a ‘Mom of the Year.’

“I hope Charlotte thinks so,” Chelsea replied. “She’s only six weeks old.”

Couric asked the same question every fawning Clinton adorer asks Chelsea: “To have parents who are so accomplished, I’m wondering, was it difficult for you, Chelsea, harder, perhaps to find your own way, to make your own mark, when you have parents that are celebrated or as well known as yours are?”

Chelsea replied that in her twenties she underwent a rebellion (for her) by working in the private sector (for large chunks of change, no doubt negotiated by the powerful parents she was “rebelling” against). Did she make her own mark by having her parents negotiating her cushy job at NBC News? Couric certainly would never ask.

Then she praised Chelsea for her global humanitarian (and feminist) aspirations: “You’re putting considerable influence into leveling the global playing field for women and girls. Why are you so passionate about this? I mean, you could lend your name and your power to a lot of different causes. Why this?”

The Clinton Foundation's "No Ceilings" visualization of women around the world includes the usual feminist data points about how women's pay isn't equal to men....unless you're a presidential daughter at NBC News. There was also no question about how Bill Clinton's personal history of serial adultery doesn't suggest respect for women and girls....including the wife and daughter.