She's No Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Nicolle Wallace Touts 'Rock Star' Dem

October 28th, 2014 12:56 PM

It's no shock that liberal View hosts Rosie O'Donnell, Rosie Perez and Whoopi Goldberg fawned over Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday. But so did former Republican operative and co-host Nicolle Wallace. Hardly representing the right, Wallace enthused, " Senator Elizabeth Warren has become a rock star in American politics!" [MP3 audio here.]

The former aide to Sarah Palin sympathetically wondered, "I wonder how you feel about the fact that you are so enthusiastically received by Democrats at a time when the political establishment is all but ready to coronate Hillary Clinton as a nominee." Whoopi Goldberg's idea of a tough question amounted to this: "Will you explain what you mean when you say the political system is rigged? Just so folks understand." 

The View crew gave Warren extended time to tout her favorite Democrats, including Alison Lundergan Grimes of Kentucky. O'Donnell prompted, "How can we help her if we don't live there [Kentucky]?" 

All of this is to be expected from the liberals on The View. Clearly, Wallace isn't interested in being the show's voice of the right, the replacement Elisabeth Hasselbeck. It wasn't until the very end of the segment that Wallace noted three Republican women she is impressed with. (This was a lame attempt to counterbalance all the free air time for Democrats.) 

A partial transcript of the October 28 segment is below: 


ELIZABETH WARREN (AT Netroots Nation conference): A kid gets caught with a few ounces of pot and goes to jail but a big bank launders drug money and no one gets arrested. The game is rigged and it isn't right. It's rigged. 

ROSIE O'DONNELL: Fantastic. 

NICOLLE WALLACE: Senator Elizabeth Warren – Senator Elizabeth Warren has become a rock star in American politics. She's a Harvard Law professor, a bankruptcy expert, a YouTube viral video star and our guest at the table right now. Please welcome Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. 

ROSIE PEREZ: Okay. I want to get this question out of the way because I was watching you on John Stewart, his response to how you attacked those bank regulators and he said that he wanted to make out with you. So, did it go down? 


WALLACE: You are not on Meet the Press. 

WARREN: So, John Stewart is really cute, but I have been married to my sweetie Bruce for 34 years and I'm not ready to change. 

O'DONNELL: Good answer. 

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: So, can you – will you explain what you mean when you say the political system is rigged? Just so folks understand. 


NICOLLE WALLACE: I wonder how you feel about the fact that you are so enthusiastically received by Democrats at a time when the political establishment is all but ready to coronate Hillary Clinton as a nominee. Does you feel that you're being pitted against another woman and does that bother you? 

[On Alison Lundergan Grimes]

WARREN: She believes like I do, we ought to lower the interest rate and Mitch McConnell, the guy who is running against her, who is the leader of the Republicans is the one who led the charge to block the student loan bill that would have reduced the interest rate. That's number one. 

O'DONNELL: How can we help her if we don't live there? 

WARREN: You can help her by going online and kicking 10 bucks into the kitty.