Iran Nuke Deal: Israel PM Urges Viewing of Prophetic Opening Scene of 'The Dictator'

July 16th, 2015 4:01 PM

Did it seem to you as if the Iranian negotiators and leaders were laughing at the naiveté of the Obama administration in accepting their claim that they only wanted to develop nuclear energy for just peaceful purposes? Well, that barely surpressed laughter was foretold in 2012 in the prophetic opening scene of "The Dictator" as the main character had great difficulty maintaining a straight face while making the same claim about their nuclear energy program.

Although comedic that opening scene was such a powerful argument against allowing Iran to further develop nuclear energy that the Prime Minister of Israel is urging everyone to share the video of that scene according to the Israel Video Network.

Sacha Baron Cohen says it like it is (or tries to) in the opening scene of the movie “The Dicator”. What makes this scene truly funny is it’s subtle use of the pseudo-reality that the Muslim countries have been creating for quite a while. As they blatantly state in Arabic that they want to destroy Israel, they create worldwide publicity that accuses Israel of being a ruthless and oppressive aggressor. It’s a bit confusing. Even for them.

The dictator in this movie, having a hard time coming to terms with gross inconsistencies in his speech and his intentions, is working on.. keeping a straight face.

We wish him the best of luck.

Exit question: Why would a country awash in petroleum need to spend billions of dollars to develop nuclear energy for only "peaceful" purposes?