State Department Email Reveals Bizarre Touchy Feely WSJ Reporter Interview With Hillary

May 22nd, 2015 6:14 PM

Oh Hillary! Can I ride on your lap to the White House? I know President Obama sends tingles up Chris Mathews' leg so can I go knee to knee with you and draw upon your energy? Oh Hillary...what do you eat? Drink? Dream about when you sleep?

Am I describing an awestruck liberal who goes dreamy eyed in the presence of Hillary Clinton? What if I were tell you that the scenario I just described actually happened and the dreamy eyed one was Wall Street Journal reporter, Monica Langley? Still don't believe me? Well, that is the scenario that Clinton aides described in the State Department email released today. Here is the October 11, 2012 email sent out by Hillary aide, Phillipe Rienes, in which he sounds like he is setting the scene of a comedic romance novel:

Tom, she moved that yellow chair as close as it went. Knee to knee. Amazed she didn't try knee in between knee. And if that wasn't enough, she leaned forward. More like a pivot, as far as her torso could fold forward to minimize the space between their heads. Was like the dental hygienist rolling around the floor to get the best access to your mouth depending on what tooth she was trying to get access to I've never seen a Westerner invade her space like that And even the non Westerners I've seen do it based on cultural differences have been only briefly to greet, This went on like that for 51 minutes – unacceptable in any culture. I don't even think you see that behavior among any type of mammal.

The touching the leg and repeatedly calling her 'Hillary' was just gravy.

But it was wonderful. One of the best interviews I've ever witnessed. Wish it were on live tv.

Here is a tweet from John Ekdahl of the Ace of Spades having a good laugh over that scene.


I was surprised that Langley didn't reserve a motel room and the recipient of that email, Thomas Nides, even replied that "I may go and throw up since I am laughing so hard." Well, if that laughter makes you want to throw up, Tom, the next bit might make you suffocate from laughing so hard after reading this description emailed to him by another Hillary aide, Caroline Adler:

This will be exciting when it's FOIA'd ...but will give you a sense of the interaction:

HRC. Monica, have a seat
::HRC motions toward a chair situated an appropriate distance from her preferred spot on the couch::

Monica: ll!!Sure!!!
::Monica proceeds to drag her chair within inches of the Secretary --leaning in even further::

Interview proceeds... and about midway.

Monica: Oh Hillary...2016 '16 '16
::Monica grabs HRO's knee::

HRC laughs awkwardly — glances at Philippe

Monica: ::leaning in further::
Oh Hillary...what do you eat? drink? dream about when you sleep?
::Monica again touches HRC's leg::

::Everybody laughs awkwardly — Philippe hardly able to contain himself::

Monica: They think I'm so funny (looking at Philippe and me.) HILL, can I ride on your lap to the White House?

Speaking of FOIA, here is the take-away quote from the above exchange by Phil Kerpen, contributing editor of the National Review:


Exit question: Is "HILL, can I ride on your lap to the White House?" the secret credo of the fawning MSM reporters covering Hillary's campaign?