Woman Caught Texting During National Anthem at WHCA Dinner Is Washington Post Reporter

April 26th, 2015 2:04 PM

The most notable moment of last night's White House Correspondents Association Dinner did not come from anything Barack Obama nor SNL's Cecily Strong said or did on the stage. Instead it seems what went viral was the image of a woman in the audience furiously texting on her cell phone while the National Anthem was being played.

As upsetting as viewers found this,  the strange excuses given by the woman who has been identified as Washington Post reporter Helena Andrews is sure to anger people even more. According to Andrews, she was really taking notes, not texting and, hey, this is 2015 after all. Below you can see the Washington Post reporter texting, er, taking notes, on her cell phone starting at the 33 second mark in stark contrast to those around her who demonstrated the proper respect for the National Anthem:


And now for her bizarre excuse tweet:


Got that? She wasn't texting. She was really "taking notes." Oh, and it is also 2015. And that is supposed to excuse her? Here are some tweets in reply which don't accept her excuse:




Exit question: Will the Washington Post report on their own reporter enraging viewers at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner?