MTP: Bill Richardson Takes Incorrect Cheap Shot at Jeb Bush Spanish Fluency

December 21st, 2014 3:01 PM

Sheesh! Talk about a cheap shot.

If former New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet member Bill Richardson dislikes Jeb Bush, at least criticize him for something plausible. Instead, Richardson took a cheap shot at Jeb Bush on Meet The Press today for supposedly having a poor ability to speak Spanish. Really, Bill? Because the video below of Bush speaking Spanish during an interview with Univision's Jorge Ramos clearly demonstrates a high degree of fluency in that language.


Even if you don't understand much Spanish, you can tell that Jeb Bush can speak that language well. And those who do understand Spanish will also be impressed by his pronunciation which although not totally free of accent can be rated as excellent. Of particular note is the way Bush correctly pronounces word sounds of the letter "R" on the tip of his tongue which at least 90% of native English speakers fail to do when speaking in Spanish.

So now that you have seen video proof of Jeb Bush's fluency in Spanish, it makes Richardson's cheap shot claim all the more ridiculous and petty:

CHUCK TODD: Could Jeb Bush do well in New Mexico?

BILL RICHARDSON: Yeah, he's got a Hispanic wife. He speaks a little Spanish, not too good. But I-- I think he--

Exit question: Could Jeb Bush have learned to speak Spanish so fluently if he had been forced to learn that language via Common Core?