Miami Herald Columnist: 'All Lives Matter' Preference of Vast Majority of Americans Is 'Moral Cowardice'

August 24th, 2015 11:38 PM

Columnist Leonard Pitts may not have caught wind of Thursday's Rasmussen poll before he wrote the column published Saturday at the Miami Herald. Perhaps he still doesn't realize that Rasmussen reported that 64 percent of blacks and 78 percent of likely U.S. voters overall say that "All lives matter" is closer to their own views than "Black lives matter."

In his column, Pitts accused what turns out to be a vast majority of Americans of all races of "moral cowardice" for holding that view. In doing so, he gave the (white guy George Soros-funded, co-led by a guy who his family says he is white) "Black Lives Matter" movement an undeserved pass for the radical lunacy it promotes to this day, while he absurdly argued that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself would likely be behind that movement (bolds are mine throughout this post):

Why ‘Black lives matter’ resonates

This is a column about three words of moral cowardice:

“All lives matter.”

Those words have risen as a kind of counter to “Black lives matter,” the movement that coalesced in response to recent killings and woundings of unarmed African Americans by assailants — usually police officers — who often go unpunished. Mike Huckabee raised that counter-cry last week, telling CNN, “When I hear people scream ‘black lives matter,’ I’m thinking, of course, they do. But all lives matter. It’s not that any life matters more than another.”

As if that were not bad enough, the former Arkansas governor and would-be president upped the ante by adding that Martin Luther King would be “appalled by the notion that we’re elevating some lives above others.”

“Elevating some lives.” Lord, have mercy.

Pitts should have saved his "Lord, have mercy" for the desperately tortured argument he made in his next two paragraphs:

Imagine for a moment that you broke your left wrist. In excruciating pain, you rush to the emergency room for treatment only to run into a doctor who insists on examining not just your mangled left wrist, but your uninjured right wrist, rib cage, femur, fibula, sacrum, humerus, phalanges, the whole bag of bones that is you. You say, “Doc, it’s just my left wrist that hurts.” And she says, “Hey, all bones matter.”

If you understand why that remark would be factual, yet also, fatuous, silly, patronizing and off point, then you should understand why “All lives matter” is the same. It’s not about “elevating some lives” any more than it would be about elevating some bones. Rather, it’s about treating where it hurts.

Lord, have mercy. Here's "where it hurts" when it comes to the (white guy George Soros-funded, co-led by a guy who his family says he is white) "Black Lives Matter" movement (as noted by Rob Knowles at Last Resistance):

... on the “Demands” page, they once again push the idea of “hands up, don’t shoot.”

“We will seek justice for Brown’s family by petitioning for the immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson and the dismissal of county prosecutor Robert McCullough. Groups that are part of the local Hands Up Don’t Shoot Coalition have already called for Wilson’s swift arrest, and some BLM riders also canvassed McCullough’s neighborhood as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the case.”

Despite the evidence, including multiple autopsies, dozens of eye-witness testimonies, and forensic evidence showing that Michael Brown was not surrendering, and that he did not have his hands up, “hands up, don’t shoot” continues to be propagated.

... Christ himself could descend from the heavens and tell BLM protesters that Darren Wilson was not guilty of any wrongdoing, and the next day, BLM activists would appear on CNN and call Jesus a racist.

Getting back to Pitts, here's his riff on Martin Luther King:

And as for Dr. King: I cringe at his name being invoked by yet another conservative who has apparently never heard or read anything King said with the possible exception of the last few minutes of the I Have A Dream speech. No one with the slightest comprehension of what King fought for could seriously contend he would be “appalled” at a campaign geared to the suffering of African-American people.

Sorry, sir. I can safely and certainly say that Martin Luther King would have been appalled by a group primarily financed by white guy George Soros, and which is co-led by a guy who his family says he is white, trying to hijack a civil-rights movement which has already seriously corrupted King's vision by turning it into a fundamentally dishonest, violent, destructive, socialism-driven and irrational intimidation racket.

One more thing: I won't accuse Mr. Pitts of moral cowardice, but I will accuse him of moral ignorance at the very least if he tries to tell me that the black lives killed at Planned Parenthood and other abortion chambers in American don't matter, because the mother's "choice" to kill her unborn child — made by black women at three times the rate seen in the rest of the population — matters more.

Pitts is entitled to his opinion. But if he's going to go around claiming that the vast majority of Americans are exhibiting moral cowardice by refusing to kowtow to the corrupt "Black Lives Matter" movement, he's not entitled to be taken seriously.

I'll let 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson have the last word from his Monday opinion piece in USA Today (HT Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit):

... The "BlackLivesMatter" movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change and to the benefit of its powerful white liberal funders ...

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