Rush Limbaugh on Fox: AOC-Pelosi Feud Is Funny, But It's Not the 'Real Story'

July 13th, 2019 8:32 AM

Talk-radio legend Rush Limbaugh appeared on Friday's Fox & Friends and addressed the feuding between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the radical House freshmen like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Limbaugh said the fracas was funny, but insisted the Democrats will eventually unify for 2020. They're coming apart now just because they're so frustrated at failing to remove President Trump from office. 

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is another example -- do you think at the end of the day, when we get to 2020, when we get to the campaign, the election, they're going to be dis-unified? They're not. Look, this is the young Turks in the party wanting to have some say-so. It's time-honored. There's nothing new going on here except Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling Pelosi a racist pig, essentially, which is humorous and funny because you don't normally see Democrats make that allegation about each other. But again, this is, we're looking at this the wrong way. 

We think we got a great news story here of division in the Democrat party. The real story, the Democrat party, you guys, is their utter failure to get rid of Donald Trump. Their frustration is immeasurable. This is what's driving everything they are doing. They thought they would get rid of Trump before he was inaugurated. Then they came up with the phony collusion thing. They've thrown every weapon they've got at getting rid of Donald Trump. They have failed. They are beyond their ability to deal with it. They normally target somebody to take out on the Republican side, they can do it in two weeks, they can do it in six months, however long they want to spend at it. They can't damage Trump. It is driving them crazy. They are more irrational than ever. But at the end of the day I think this is nothing more than something is amusing to watch. But in terms of effect it will have on the Democrat party? Negligible.


When asked about the citizenship question on the Census, Limbaugh asserted the Democrats want open borders because it gives them more power, it gives them a reliable underclass and a voting base, which is why they want non-citizens to vote. "The first thing behind this is a globalist movement to eliminate the whole concept of citizenship. And look, I know some of this is going to sound strange but it really isn’t. This is happening. They want to replace the concept of citizenship with residence. And these are global elites who want to manage the world and control as much of the population as they can. And the first thing you do, if you really want to do that, is get rid of this concept that people are citizens of different countries. You replace that concept with residents."