Megyn Kelly Slams Time Questioner on How Fox News Is Full of Zombies and Incest

May 13th, 2016 7:07 AM

Megyn Kelly may be keeping her options open about moving to a different network at some point in the future, but there is a point where obnoxious liberal questions still move her to defend the fort at Fox News. Time writer Phillip Elliott, a former Associated Press reporter, recently discovered that when he quoted Bill Maher to Kelly, suggesting she's the "sane one" when everyone else at Fox is “a zombie or a dwarf or sleeping with their sister.”

(Of course, Maher didn't say "sleeping with," since he's on HBO.)

Isn’t it fascinating that Time magazine thinks that “comical” smear is a legitimate question? Wait for it: they may have to apologize for mocking dwarves. The occasion was Kelly’s forthcoming special on Fox stations coast to coast with Donald Trump and other controversial guests (like transgender “actress” Laverne Cox, but to Time, he's a cover girl -- there’s no controversy in that, only courage on the "civil rights frontier.")

TIME: Last summer Bill Maher made a joke about you. "We think Megyn Kelly is the sane one over there at Fox News. That's because she's surrounded by Hannity and O'Reilly. She's the blonde girl on Game of Thrones. Everyone else is a zombie or a dwarf or sleeping with their sister," a paraphrase there, "so she looks normal." Do you ever get nervous when you look around your network?

KELLY: Nervous? No. I don't understand the question.

TIME: Bill [we're on a first-name basis?] was making the point that you have firebrands like Hannity, people like O'Reilly, and you come out looking sane and reasonable by comparison. Do you worry about the network's reputation?

KELLY: No. Nor do I think a criticism from a man who refers to women as the c-word should wind up in a TIME piece. You're putting yourself out there if you want to use that.

One also doubts Time would ask a prominent Muslim a question by slavishly quoting Maher's more caustic remarks about Islam and perhaps who looks "sane" next to the other wackos. Kelly pointed out to Elliott that he wouldn't ask such a question to the "sane" news person at MSNBC, or find it acceptable to suggest Hayes, Maddow, and O'Donnell are zombies and perverts:

KELLY: I think Fox News is just like any news organization in that we have editorial and we have news. There is nobody who would mistake Bret Baier or Bill Hemmer or Shep Smith or yours truly for Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity. And I think Bill and Sean get so much attention is because it's very rare to have strong conservatives on TV, even in today's day and age. And they are an anomaly still, even after the Fox News Channel has been in existence for going on 20 years.

You know, would you ask that question of Savannah Guthrie, you know, when she was doing the 9 a.m. over on MSNBC? We're not MSNBC. But nobody ever asks that when the commentators are left-leaning. We get that at Fox because the right-leaning commentators are a problem for certain reporters, and they feel the need to ask straight news journalists whether they want to be associated with that. In my view, that is your bias talking. That says nothing about Fox or me.