Weasel Zippers has the latest superiority dance from Al Gore, in a speech at the University of Hawaii.
"Ultimately, we are going to win this thing," he said, one of many statements met with hearty applause from the Hawaiians, reported the Civil Beat. He displayed “a Bell Curve showing the number of hotter days over the past 80 years grow alarmingly disproportionate to the number of cooler days and days with average temperatures.”
"The way we have to respond to this is going to require a set of changes that are beyond our routine," he said, his voice growing to a shout. "I know that we are capable of that. Our way of life is at stake, our grandchildren are at stake, the future of civilization is at stake."
But Gore cited two "game changers" in recent years that will help. The first is the growing realization from even climate-change deniers that something seems to be strange with the weather. The second is the exponential growth in photovoltaic solar panels, driven largely by consumer demand for lower prices.
The "barriers" to doing something about climate change are business and political interests that profit off of fossil fuels — "dirty energy that causes dirty weather." He compared fake science from polluters stating that humans are not to blame for the climate to tobacco companies that used to hire actors to play doctors who denied cigarettes were dangerous.
"That's immoral, unethical and despicable," he said of both.
But Gore still loves his media allies in spreading panic:
Congrats to @AnnCurry on her truly outstanding @nbc special on climate! Brava!
— Al Gore (@algore) April 7, 2014