WashPost Critic Finds NPR's Sagal 'Couldn’t Possibly Sound More Nasally, Effete and Urban' Around Gun Owners

May 7th, 2013 8:58 AM

Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever is not a fan of the new PBS show on the Constitution starring NPR game-show host Peter Sagal. He adores a saleswoman who says to Sagal, “You are so conceited.” The article's title is "The right to remain just a little too cute."

Stuever found the man from NPR didn’t fit well in the red states like Montana. “At a point where he couldn’t possibly sound more nasally, effete and urban, Sagal asks: ‘I say this as a man who owns six bicycles, but why does a man need to own so many rifles?’”

So they go to the range to shoot, and Sagal unloads his liberal contempt: “When in Montana, do as the Montanans do — and what Montanans do is protect themselves from an army of cardboard people.”

The critic says Sagal resembles ‘that hammy American History prof hoping to grease the tenure track by being funny and well liked.” Sagal feels compelled to mock the Founders on PBS for wearing suits in the summertime: “Never before have so many owed so much to people who smelled so bad.”

Stuever felt bad for Sagal's interview subjects:

Some may find “Constitution USA” is a fascinating and informative romp, chuckling right along with Sagal. I found myself feeling a tad sorry for his interview subjects, who seem to have been coached and goaded into matching his repartee. On the plus side, you will finally understand Wickard v. Filburn and the commerce clause. On the minus side, you must endure the following:

Sagal: “So, Roscoe Filburn had a farm.”
Legal expert: “E-I-E-I-O.”

Perhaps someone could make this educational by asking Sagal where in the Constitution does it say the government should fund its own radio and TV network.

Earlier: NPR's Peter Sagal: U.S. Constitution Like 'Tinkerbell'; It's 'Only As Alive As We Collectively Have Decided'