Thom Hartmann Blames Black Friday Store Fights on 'Thirty Years of Reaganomics'

December 1st, 2012 3:14 PM

While Team Obama might want a surge of economic activity over the holidays, the leftists are too anti-capitalist for that. On his radio show Monday, Thom Hartmann likened Black Friday to “The Hunger Games” death matches and talked of shootings and other violence that took place at or near stores last weekend. “The wealthy elite look down on the spectacle before them with amusement and, most importantly, the knowledge that the entire spectacle is fattening their bank accounts.”

But of course, everything ugly about Black Friday is easily blamed on....”thirty years of Reaganomics.” I kid you not:

HARTMANN: Black Friday, in reality, is a symptom of the plight that thirty years of Reaganomics has brought to working people in America. Right along with the frenzied rise of shoppers willing to fight each other at retail outlets across America, we've been steadily, for the last thirty years, watching the destruction of organized labor...of decent pay and wages and conditions for working people

A few minutes later, he repeated: “We have Black Friday today because the wealthy elite have strangled their workers for thirty-two years, ever since Ronald Reagan's election.”

It might seem to strain reality for Obama to still blame Bush for hard times. Thom Hartmann makes Obama look like a piker.