On Hannity, Female Liberal Talk-show Host Blurs Bill Maher and Santorum Donor with the Aspirin Joke

March 25th, 2012 2:17 PM

In a special Friday night edition of Hannity devoted to hateful language on the Left, two women sparred on the issue of Bill Maher and his million-dollar donation to Obama's super PAC. Liberal talk-show host Leslie Marshall tried to claim Maher was just like Santorum super-PAC donor Foster Friess -- who made a lame joke about Bayer aspirin on MSNBC. How that compares as in the same league as the C-word or "dumb [T-word]" used against conservative women by Maher is anyone's guess, and Hannity called her on it.

Fox's Kimberly Guilfoyle bluntly took the other side, accusing Obama (the healer of the national divide?) of a "complete abdication of leadership" in keeping the Maher million. She said "Show us the man that you are, show us that you're a man of integrity that respects women, that puts women first and not campaign dollars." Hannity couldn't believe Obama can lecture with a straight face about Sandra Fluke:

HANNITY: And this goes to the Democratic Party, Leslie. And by the way, I do appreciate your remarks and I don't want anybody silenced. I'm not going to cancel my HBO subscription because of Bill Maher. But the President, how does he, you know, with a straight face lecture the country, call Sandra Fluke, and talk about his daughters, talk about civility and tone and the coarseness in rhetoric in the country and then take a million dollars from Bill Maher. How is that possible? And then invite Ed Schultz to the White House? How is that possible? And then Michelle Obama goes on David Letterman. How is that possible?

MARSHALL: Well, Sean, I think we actually started talking about this off the air I think last week. The bottom-line for me whether it is a Foster Friess making a very disgusting sexist which people are calling a joke giving money to Rick Santorum. And I will say that Rick Santorum even says, look, I'm not giving money back. I can't be held responsible for all the words and actions of everyone who contributes to my campaign. And I actually would agree with him on that. Whether it as candidate on the right or the left.

HANNITY: I don't see how it is comparable. The C word. The T word. Never an apology. And I would have accepted the apology. Bill Maher has no intention of apologizing. Isn't that Bill Maher is afraid to attack his left wing base because -- or that Obama is afraid to attack his left wing base like Bill Maher because he knows on a 41 percent approval rating, he can't afford to lose anybody?

MARSHALL: Well, you know, what Sean, like I said before, I don't feel that these comments are fair because the majority of these comments are coming left or right toward women from men and I do think it is OK regardless of that person's ideology for the President to say something. However, we as a society have to stop it.

HANNITY: But the President said to lead by example.

MARSHALL: For example, I am a liberal democrat but I call out...

HANNITY: He said he would lead by example and, you know, what?


HANNITY: I think he is showing himself to be a hypocrite. Go ahead, you finish and I'm going to let Kimberly have the last word.

MARSHALL: Well, I don't agree that he's being hypocrite because you can't be responsible for over 300 plus million people.

HANNITY: Then don't get involved in the Sandra Fluke controversy if you are not going to call Governor Palin. And don't lecture us about the tone and your children if you're wife is going to go on David Letterman show where he talked about A-Rod knocking up Sarah Palin's daughter or in the case of Maher talking about Santorum's children.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's totally inappropriate, this is a moment.

MARSHALL: But Rush said terrible things about Hillary, about Michelle Obama, about Chelsea. It is all wrong.

HANNITY: But the difference is the President injected himself into the --

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he did. He went willingly, eagerly to make comments in attacking anybody on the right that he felt he wasn't making appropriate comments towards women and then there was a complete abdication of leadership and just showing respect as a man. He is the President of the United States. Not a talk raid show host, not a television journalist. Show us the man that you are, show us that you're a man of integrity that respects women, that puts women first and not campaign dollars. That is the problem I have with this.