Daily Kos Already Lamenting How 'Corporate Media' Will Tell Obama to Move to the Center

October 9th, 2010 5:00 PM

As you might expect, the bloggers at the Daily Kos are already rationalizing away about large liberal losses. This can only mean that true liberalism hasn't been tried, declared one Laurence Lewis, and the media are mean-spirited centrist elites:

No matter what happens this November, we know what will be at least one aspect of the corporate media's response: they will tell us that President Obama and the Democrats must move more to the center....

The truth is that neither President Obama nor the Democratic Congress has been particularly liberal. They have been liberal relative to the extreme right that the corporate media largely accepts, rationalizes, and enables as the new iteration of the Republican Party, and they have been marginally liberal relative to the corporatist conservatism of most in that media, but on an honest scale, that is not really liberal. 

Weird enough? Then there's the belief that global warming is not just some kid sticking the mercury in hot cocoa, says DarkSyde, but then cocoa gives way to oral sex analogies:

If your child is sick and you want to check for fever, you use a thermometer. You don't care what Rush Limbaugh says, or what Al Gore says, you care what that thermometer says. And if you want to be super careful, you might use more than one thermometer, or different kinds of thermometers, just in case that kid is dipping it in hot chocolate.

That's what two climatologists did when they wanted to check on the earth's past temperature. Just to be safe they used several different kinds of thermometers. Doesn't matter what Rush says, doesn't matter what Gore says, all that matters is what those thermometers say. And guess what they said? The earth has a fever, that fever is rising, and it's approaching delirium.

The work was so exquisitely done, and it's been so well supported by independent studies, that in any other nation the researchers involved would be up for major recognition. But not in teabagger America, where corporate rent-boys bought and paid for by fossil fuel johns drop to their knees on command to kiss some Koch.

Or there's weird Nuremberg trial analogies for bankers from Drawline:

Justice in the 21st century is determined by billionaires. Capitalism unchecked brings you to another holocaust: First the holocaust of the environment and then the holocaust of the weak and powerless.

If we lose the house and senate, we will not be able to replace far right judges in the court system, and justice will keep on being for sale in this country and other countries that follow our lead.