CNN's Roesgen Pushed Flawed Jena 6 Narrative

April 20th, 2009 9:42 PM

Susan Roesgen, the hack who harassed tea party goers, was a driving force behind the flawed Jena 6 narrative that circulated the MSM cesspool back in 2007. The level of professionalism which made her famous on tax day has clearly been par for course in Roesgen's career. Patterico has uncovered the extent of her involvement pushing the absurd and reprehensible racially charged narrative:

Susan Roesgen, the CNN reporter who mocked tea party attendees in Chicago, is the same reporter who spread myths about the racially charged “Jena 6″ case in Louisiana, in which six black teenagers were charged with attempted murder for the beating of a white student.

The case gained national prominence because of the racial issues involved, and Susan Roesgen was at the center of publicizing the controversy, and perpetuating several myths about it. Roesgen’s bio says that Roesgen

became the first national TV reporter to cover the tumultuous “Jena 6″ episode in that Louisiana town.

Make sure you follow the link to Patterico to see a video of Roesgen's so called "reporting" and the actual reporting that refutes her claims. Also, be sure to check out NewsBuster's extensive log of Roesgen's abominations.