FSA Member Org ACRU Pens Great Essay for WashTimes on Freedom to Listen

April 6th, 2009 10:48 AM

FreedomtoListen.org | American Civil Rights UnionAs has been mentioned here before, the Media Research Center is heading up the Free Speech Alliance (FSA).  Made up thus far of sixty-five organizations, the FSA is dedicated to protecting the freedom of speech of all practitioners of conservative and Christian talk radio from any and all government regulatory censorship.

Well here is an excellent piece by Peter Ferrara of the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), a Free Speech Alliance member organization, that appeared in Sunday's Washington Times

This essay captures perfectly the other half of the argument we are making.  Just as Rush, Sean, Mark et. Al. have the First Amendment-guaranteed Freedom to Speak, We the People have the First Amendement-guaranteed Freedom to Listen. 

The Left's attempts to take away the former inherently abridge the latter too.

We will at this point allow Mr. Ferrara to speak expertly for himself.