Bill Maher: Republicans Are Retarded Nazis; Election Is a ‘Referendum on Decency'

July 22nd, 2016 2:05 AM

In the same episode that Bill Maher attacked Republicans as mentally retarded and compared them to Nazis, he insisted that this election will be a “referendum on decency.” In a live, post-Republican National Convention edition of HBO’s Real Time, Maher on Thursday lamented, “This whole election to me is a referendum on decency. Just fundamental decency. I mean, the hatred we have heard [about Hillary Clinton].” 

He whined, “People talking about how Hillary should be treated as a traitor. It's like the best thing that could happen to her is a painless death. What they should really do is, you know, tear her fingernails out and then shoot her.” 

Yet, on the same episode, Maher joked about “short bus” Republicans and the rise of “another Nazi Germany” in America. (According to Urban Dictionary, “short bus” refers to a vehicle that is “commonly used to transport students with physical or mental handicaps.”)

Here's Maher's joke: 

BILL MAHER: So all I have to say is after this embarrassing third-world cat fight that we just saw, this noxious gathering of short bus lynch mob people, are you Bernie people voting for Hillary now? [Applause.] Thank you, thank you. I have to say, this convention did answer a few important questions for the American people like could another Nazi Germany happen here? And whatever happened to Scott Baio? These are the questions people are asking.

In 2013, Maher mocked Sarah Palin's son Trig as "retarded." Yet, he's going to define "decency?" On Wednesday, the comic again linked the GOP to Nazis and slimed “Uncle Tom” black Republicans. 

Transcripts of the two jokes can be found below: 

Real Time

BILL MAHER: So all I have to say is after this embarrassing third-world cat fight that we just saw, this noxious gathering of short bus lynch mob people, are you Bernie people voting for Hillary now? [Applause.] Thank you, thank you. This convention did answer a few important questions for the American people like could another Nazi Germany happen here? And whatever happened to Scott Baio? These are the questions people are asking.


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MAHER: I've said this from the beginning. This whole election to me is a referendum on decency. Just fundamental decency. I mean, the hatred we have heard. People talking about how Hillary should be treated as a traitor. It's like the best thing that could happen to her is a painless death. What they should really do is, you know, tear her fingernails out and then shoot her.

Tell the Truth 2016