CNN Newsroom Hypes Tina Fey's Rant: Flatters Her in the Process

October 26th, 2012 3:21 PM

Not content to restrict the ongoing firestorm surrounding Senate candidate Richard Mourdock to the media, CNN's Newsroom turned to liberal comedienne Tina Fey to bash the Indiana Republican some more this morning.

"Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock better watch out," CNN Newsroom anchor Carol Costello warned, teasing the story at the top of the program. "Tina Fey is coming after them. Why the comedian says their rape comments will make her lose her mind." [ video below, MP3 audio here ]

Showbiz Tonight's A.J. Hammer reported on the story almost 40 minutes later. Setting it up for him, Costello portrayed the former Saturday Night Live cast member as someone who wields an impossible-to-ignore impact on the electorate, as if her impersonation of Sarah Palin four years ago somehow sealed the deal for President Obama and prevented John McCain from winning the presidency.

As one of the keynote speakers for the first-ever Gala at the Center for Reproductive Rights, Fey was obligated to broach the subject -- appearing to be visibly agitated in the clip CNN chose for their viewers' consumption.

If I have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a $2 haircut explain to me what rape is, I'm going to lose my mind! I watch these guys and I'm like, what is happening? Am I a secretary on Mad Men?

"Funny as always," Hammer assessed. Mining for more comedy gold from the speech, he cited Fey's attempt to mimic Akin before stopping mid-sentence. "Just repeating the comments was making her dumber," he joked.

Taking flattery to a new level, Hammer continued. "Carol, as you pointed out, she knows that politicians pay attention and know how sharp her wit is," he said with all sincerity. "And a lot of people respond to it. I know that they are watching her."

With bated breath, both Costello and Hammer seemed to be eagerly anticipating her return to SNL before the election for at least a cameo -- so that she can try to influence the hearts and minds of uninformed voters once again.