Sticker Kid Steals Thunder From Hillary's 'Victory' Speech

February 2nd, 2016 10:36 AM

So who was the winner of the Democrat caucuses in Iowa? Since it was a virtual tie, neither candidate can claim victory although Hillary Clinton attempted to do just that with a 'victory' speech last night in which she tried to gloat about a win that was really a tie. However, there was one clear winner: Sticker KId. If you had watched Hillary pretending to have won in Iowa, you can be forgiven if you can't quite recall her words because just behind her Sticker Kid, with a couple of Hillary stickers affixed to his cheeks,  was stealing her thunder and pulling most of the attention away from her with his crazy antics. 

So just who is Sticker Kid? Is he a political operative sent out by either the Bernie Sanders campaign or the Republicans to mock Hillary? Naw. It turns out he is just a goofy college kid, who didn't even participate in the caucus, out for laughs as you can see in this New York Daily News report:

Peter Clinkscales had a seat almost directly behind back of Clinton’s head while she spoke, giving spectators a clear view of his goofy, stickered face.

“I was just a kid wearing a Hillary sticker,” Clinkscales told the Daily News after attending Clinton’s Olmstead Center speech.

Clinkscales, who is studying vocal performance at Drake, claims that he tried to sneak a saxophone into the rally for former President Bill Clinton to play, but was turned away.

He returned and snagged a seat behind the stage, a section he says was reserved for VIP guests.

...The student made it on live television over Clinton’s right shoulder; sneezing, dancing, bobbing his head and gawking at cameras while sporting a pair of the Democratic frontrunner stickers on his cheeks. He also tried eating the stickers stuck to his face.

Exit question: Will Sticker Kid spawn imitators that perform facial antics behind Hillary as she campaigns in New Hampshire?