Matthews: ‘I’m Surrounded By People Who Think Zimmerman’s Guilty’ – ‘My Liberal Sons, My Liberal Wife’

July 3rd, 2013 6:28 PM

For the second night in a row, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews made a stunning admission.

After telling his Hardball audience Tuesday that Democrats “believe in illegal immigration,” Matthews said Wednesday, “I'm surrounded by people who think he's guilty, Zimmerman. All my family, my liberal sons, my liberal wife. Everybody thinks the guy, Zimmerman’s the bad guy” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Suppose everybody – and by the way, I'm surrounded by people who think he's guilty, Zimmerman. All my family, my liberal sons, my liberal wife. Everybody thinks the guy, Zimmerman’s the bad guy. So I live in that world. I have some other people that have different views too.

Actually, Matthews shouldn’t have stopped there.

Next, he should have said that everyone at MSNBC believes Zimmerman’s guilty, and as it appears the prosecution’s case is tremendously weak, might have then discussed why it is that despite the evidence, most liberals – including his sons and his wife! - appear to have rushed to a wrongful judgment.

This seems critical given the possibility that riots are going to break out in parts of the country if Zimmerman is acquitted as a result of this collective left-wing rush to judgment.

As folks such as Matthews and his colleagues helped create the erroneous group-think on this matter, it seems incumbent upon them to now actively cool down the public's misplaced anger.

Or would that be too much like journalism?