Obama: I Admire CNN’s Commitment to Cover All Sides of the Story Just in Case One Is Accurate

April 28th, 2013 9:31 AM

Barack Obama absolutely slayed at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Saturday evening.

Early in his address to attendees, he took on CNN saying, “I admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BARACK OBAMA: And of course, the White House press corps is here. I know CNN has taken some knocks lately, but the fact is I admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate.

Of course, the president was mocking some errors CNN made in its coverage of the recent Boston Marathon bombing.

We at NewsBusters know that CNN often doesn’t present all sides of the story – take the Kermit Gosnell trial as a recent example! – and that what they report isn’t always accurate.

Regardless, we appreciate the President poking fun at a network that has the audacity to call itself the most trusted name in news.