Another Poll the Media Will Bury

September 18th, 2005 12:58 PM

As was reported here yesterday, regardless of how accurately Rasmussen Reports predicted the 2004 election results, America’s media continue to ignore their polling data.  With special thanks to a NewsBusters reader named “Mass Liberal", it is evident that another report from Rasmussen just released this morning will likely get absolutely no air or print play, either. 

What will likely not get reported is Rasmussen’s finding that 50% of Americans favor the president’s proposal for reconstructing New Orleans, or that more African-Americans support this plan than white Americans:

“Fifty percent (50%) of Americans favor the main proposal from that speech--a federal commitment of $200 billion to help rebuild New Orleans. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are opposed and 23% are not sure.”

“Fifty-seven percent (57%) of black voters support the federal reconstruction spending while just 17% are opposed. Among white voters, 49% favor the spending and 29% are opposed. This is the first Bush Administration proposal hat has attracted more support from black Americans than from white Americans.”

By contrast, if the media cover anything about poll, it might be the following:

“The spending plan has not been well received by conservative voters--just 43% favor the huge federal commitment partisan while 37% are opposed. This is especially striking given how supportive the President's base has remained throughout his Administration.”