For the past couple days violence has erupted at Donald Trump rallies in New Mexico and California, resulting in police breaking out the riot gear. The cause? Violent leftists who can’t express themselves through peaceful protest, but NBC and ABC handed the responsibility solely to Trump on Wednesday night. “Where Trump goes, unrest follows … This is the same scene that we are seeing play out in city after city across America,” NBC’s Katy Tur exaggerated.
On World News Tonight, ABC’s Ton Llamas’ description of the riots made it sound as if Trump brought a war zone with him. “Demonstrators barging through barricades and clashing with officers. Trampling police cars. Police forced to fire tear gas,” said Llamas while flashing violent images to the screen.
Host of NBC’s Nightly News, Lester Holt did the same. “It comes a day after some of the most chaotic scenes at a Trump rally we've seen in Albuquerque, where protesters smashed through barriers, jumping on cars, again, police in riot gear moving in to quell the violence,” stated Holt.
Tur and Llamas where shocked that Trump would dare call destructive rioters thugs. “The candidate dismissing Tuesday's protesters as thugs who were flying the Mexican flag,” reported Tur. Llamas also seemed to blame a rough police response on Trump as well, “Calling out demonstrators, one by one. A woman dragged out by her limbs, head first.”
“Where Trump goes, unrest follows,” Tur exclaimed, “Chicago, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Eugene, Dayton.” What Tur failed to mention is that nearly all of the rioters in those cities were leftists. Tur also played up racial tensions by noting a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that stated, “Trump [takes] rural whiter communities, while Clinton dominates the larger more diverse cities.”
When it came to the Spanish networks Telemundo was exceptional. Maria Paula Ochoa reported that the anti-Trump protesters were the origin of tensions, “With insults that sought to provoke the supporters of Donald Trump, opponents of the mogul agglomerated outside the auditorium where the candidate was making an appearance.” Univision’s coverage by comparison was lacking context and details, making it seem like Trump brings violence with him.
The networks focus on the violence from anti-Trump rioters could be to help draw attention away from a devastating development for Hillary Clinton.
Transcripts below:
Nightly News
May 25, 2016
7:01:25 PM EasternLESTER HOLT: Good evening. We begin tonight with new chaos and arrests on the campaign trail. Police in riot gear confronting protesters, at times violent at a Donald Trump rally in Anaheim, California. Demonstrators marching through the streets. It comes a day after some of the most chaotic scenes at a Trump rally we've seen in Albuquerque, where protesters smashed through barriers, jumping on cars, again, police in riot gear moving in to quell the violence. We get the very latest now from NBC's Katy Tur.
[Cuts to video]
KATY TUR: Tactical teams on the streets of Anaheim. Steps from the happiest place on Earth. Inside only a handful of disruptions, among the thousands of Trump supporters.
DONALD TRUMP: Get them out of here! Get them out!
TUR: Local authorities here not taking any chances. After protests turned violent last night in Albuquerque. Tear gas, flames and anger.
PROTESTER: Donald Trump cannot come to our city after calling us rapists. Lies.
TUR: The candidate dismissing Tuesday's protesters as thugs who were flying the Mexican flag, and trashing the highest ranking Republican Latina, New Mexico Governor, Susana Martinez for saying she was too busy to attend his rally.
TRUMP: The governor has got to do a better job. She's not doing the job. Hey! Maybe I'll run for governor of New Mexico! I'll get this place going.
TUR: Martinez, the chair of the Republican Governors Association, another Trump holdout, said in a statement she won't be bullied by him. Where Trump goes, unrest follows. Chicago, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Eugene, Dayton. A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding national political support is split. Trump taking rural whiter communities, while Clinton dominates the larger more diverse cities.
Trump is struggling to keep the peace, both inside the party and out.
TOM DELAY: Every day, there's something again that just makes me shake my head and say, “why in the world would I support Trump.”
[Cuts back to live]
TUR: NBC News has learned that House speaker Paul Ryan and Donald Trump will have a phone conversation tonight. Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters were lining this street just a few minutes ago. Now, only a couple dozen stragglers remain. Meanwhile, Anaheim police holding the line. Lester, this is the same scene that we are seeing play out in city after city across America.
World News Tonight
May 25, 2016
6:35:55 PM Eastern
DAVID MUIR: Next, to the race for the White House, and there are major developments on both sides tonight. After fights overnight at a Trump rally. Look at this. This was the scene today in Anaheim, California. Police showing force outside, surrounding the arena. There have been more arrests. ABC's Tom llamas is in California.
[Cuts to video]
TOM LLAMAS: Tonight, police departments along the west coast mounting up for a showdown with anti-Trump protesters. The safety concern following this chaos at Trump's rally in New Mexico.
OFFICER: Get back!
LLAMAS: Demonstrators barging through barricades and clashing with officers. Trampling police cars. Police forced to fire tear gas. Trump denouncing protesters waving the Mexican flag as, quote, thugs and criminals. And inside the rally –
DONALD TRUMP: Bring them home to mom. Go home to mommy. Is it fun to be at a Trump rally? Is this the greatest?
LLAMAS: Calling out demonstrators, one by one. A woman dragged out by her limbs, head first.
May 26, 2016
6:31:17 PM EasternJOSE DIAZ BALART, ANCHOR, TELEMUNDO: Good afternoon, today sympathizers and detractors of candidate Donald Trump clashed in Anaheim, CA.
MARIA CELESTE ARRARAS, ANCHOR, TELEMUNDO: That’s right, Jose. The mogul presented himself at a campaign even here in California, anti-riot police carried out arrests after protesters decided to throw debris at the agents. We’re going to go to Maria Paula Ochoa, who is in the exact place where these events happened. Go ahead, Maria Paula.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: Maria Celeste, another protest against the candidate to which are added the moods of opponents and supporters of the candidate. Police on horseback had to move the group to ensure that they wouldn’t block the avenues. Meanwhile, they’d insult each other and shove each other, defending their positions. All of this occurred hours before the candidate arrived at the Anaheim convention center and continued until just a few moments ago.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: With insults that sought to provoke the supporters of Donald Trump, opponents of the mogul agglomerated outside the auditorium where the candidate was making an appearance. Everything occurred amidst a massive deployment of security.
VICTOR VALLADARES, ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTER: Well, I’m proud of having Latin blood, Hispanic blood, and unfortunately the ignorance of all these people, it saddens me, to see the ignorance and the racism.
CESAR GARCIA, TRUMP SUPPORTER: He’s [Trump] not saying anything wrong, the only thing that he wants is for the laws are followed, that’s it. He’s not saying, he’s not saying anything like they say, that he’s a Nazi or that he wants to kill Mexicans.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: A third group protested against the violence unleashed in other events like the one at Costa Mesa just a few weeks earlier, when hundreds of protesters took to the streets and destroyed police vehicles.
EDGAR GARCIA, CRITIC OF PROTESTS: When they come here and cause violence, all the people who support Trump get more reasons to support him.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE: [Starting a chant] Build that wall, build that wall…
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: Meanwhile inside, the candidate reiterated his proposal to build a border wall and removed some of those present that were yelling against him.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: While opponents of Donald Trump in the south of California protest with signs, in New Mexico, the protests were almost uncontrollable. Protesters even went after the police officers. T-shirts burning with fire, plastic bottles, were some of the munitions that dozens of protesters threw at police in New Mexico last night outside another speech by the candidate. Inside, Trump lashed out against the Governor of that state, Susana Martinez.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: [Translating Donald Trump’s tweet on the subject] The protesters in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but outside, criminals!
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: This week the candidate will have other speeches in California where it is expected there will be a massive effort from police trying to prevent disturbances.
MARIA PAULA OCHOA, CORRESPONDENT, TELEMUNDO: Well as you can see, the deployment of security continues, authorities seek to prevent more disturbances. Even so, there are some protesters waving the Mexican flag in the middle of the streets, and police continue to try to keep everything under control.
May 26, 2016
6:30:58 PM EasternJORGE RAMOS, ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Good evening, we start the news once again with Donald Trump, and with those who don’t want Donald Trump. These are scenes of the confrontation between protesters and police in the surrounding streets to a Trump event this afternoon in California. Before, the presidential candidate met with his followers in a campaign rally in Anaheim, amidst extreme measures of security. All of this comes after the violent acts like the ones that occurred last night in New Mexico, like Jaime Garcia reports, Trump spoke about Hillary Clinton, politics, and even Univision.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Amidst the ovations from his supporters, Donald Trump returned to California. With 12 days to the primaries in this state, he looks to get the necessary number of delegates that will consolidate him as the undisputed candidate to the Republican presidential nomination.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE: I have great relationships with the Hispanics…
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Trump used the occasion to affirm that he has a great relationship with Hispanics and that he will create jobs.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: This supporter of the mogul points that what’s attractive about Trump is that he’s not out to please the Republican Party, and says things as they are.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: In one moment during his presentation, Trump sent two opponents out that were able to get in. While outside the convention center, his supporters had signs that were against Hispanics, like Azucena Sepeda, who was labeled as undocumented, and demanded that she return to Mexico.
AZUCENA SEPEDA, PROTESTER: It hurt me a lot, because I am a citizen here, I go to a very good school too, I go to UC Berkeley, and then they start asking me if I’m a citizen, if I have a job… I also have a job.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: What is already a common sight, the screaming confrontations were constant, which is why via helicopter police ordered the protesters to disperse and required the intervention of anti-riot police, which made at least 5 arrests.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE POLICE OFFICER: If there’s people that won’t follow the laws, there will be arrests, and obviously we’ve asked the county for help.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Last night scenes of violence were registered in New Mexico, where police fired gas at the protesters that threw bottles and rocks, breaking some windows. It was there where Trump announced that he reached an agreement in his litigation against Univision, which paid him money in an arrangement that was in amicable terms.
JAIME GARCIA, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: Donald Trump arrives in California without encountering any opposition in the next primary on June 7. However, analysts point that his strategy is to demonstrate here in California that his campaign could be sufficiently competitive in states that are traditionally Democrat.