The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham appeared on Fox Business, Monday, to expose just what journalists will be parroting over and over this election cycle. Talking to Deirdre Bolton, Graham said of journalists, “The script is ‘Hillary is going to win big,' so whatever you do, 'Hillary is going to win big.’”
Regarding the idea that Donald Trump might flip flop on his immigration stance, the MRC Director of Media Analysis reminded, “We are in general election mode now and that means if you stick to the position you held in the primaries, that’s just terrible. And if you change your position and try to move to the center, that’s just terrible.”
A partial transcript is below:
Rick and Reward
5:15pm ET
DEIRDRE BOLTON: My next guest says mainstream media first criticized Donald Trump for his immigration policy. Now, he is being criticized for voicing thoughts about changing it. Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham is here. So, Tim, welcome back. Trump supporters are saying Trump is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. Do you agree?
TIM GRAHAM: Yes. We are in general election mode now and that means if you stick to the position you held in the primaries, that’s just terrible. And if you change your position and try to move to the center, that’s just terrible. You know, it really is one of those things where the script is “Hillary is going to win big, so whatever you do, Hillary is going to win big.” So, I mean, that is part of the problem. Obviously, he’s saying today that he’s not flip flopping. They may just be talking about toning it down a bit. But, again, we’ve seen so many of these—
BOLTON: I didn’t mean to cut you off, but don’t you think that part of the reason this has so much vitriol attached is that people thought the views attached are so extreme to begin with?
GRAHAM: I think the language was. I think the way he was taken right from the beginning about Mexico sending its worst, that kind of phrasing. That’s what everyone remembers. But also if you were the kind of Republican who supported someone who all the Trump voters said was a RINO on immigration, you’re probably not going to be happy today if they start moderating their tone. This was what the other candidates were trying to do and they were all, somehow, hopelessly un-conservative.