Open Thread: Top 10 Huffington Post Comments on Olbermann Departure

January 24th, 2011 8:53 AM

Via I Hate the Media, a little dose of Monday morning comedy. Much of the left was distraught, but the folks at Huff-n-Puff really let wail. Our favorite: "I really hope Al Jazeera English plans to fill the niche. It seems to be the only news channel in America that tells the truth." Classic. Head below the fold for IHTM's full list.

Welcome to the brave new world of the United Corporations of America.

Let’s all do one last Woodstock Nation with mostly the sixities folks at the Lincoln Memorial with the real heavyweigh­t music of our time and headline with Keith Olbermann lighting us up with a call to real freedom and show this country what real liberals look like.

He was the anti-Glenn Beck. I really hope Al Jazeera English plans to fill the niche. It seems to be the only news channel in America that tells the truth.

Ouch! Losing Keith … that’s a gut punch … :(

CHOMSKY!!! Now there is a man who should be heard from more.

Keith fought for us for eight years. Now it’s up to us.

It is a disgustingly tragic commentary on the state of our “exceptional” country when Glenn Beck continues to defile our airwaves while Olbermann is silenced and the “will of the people” ignored.

You do realize that since corporations deduct expenses like severance pay, they pay less in taxes by firing Keith, which means that we taxpayers are subsidizin­g their firing.

Is there no way to organize a serious boycott of Comcast and the FCC and the Justice Department and Genachowski (sp?) and Holder personally? Maybe Firedoglake will start something

Logged on to see the comment Count. Wow! When we love somebody, we LOVE somebody. : )) Come back soon, somehow, Keith.

Did you see any others that deserve to be on that list? Check out the Olbermann thread here, and see if you can find some other juicy ones. And for some more great Nutroots reaction, make sure you check out Tim's foray into the Kos fever swamps post-Olbermann.