Ron Fournier on MSNBC: Hillary 'May Pay a Big Price Criminally' On E-mails

August 19th, 2015 8:26 AM

If she were anyone but a Clinton, would Hillary's campaign not be kaput? Imagine: you're a big Dem donor, elected official in an early primary state or grassroots organizer trying to decide whose bandwagon to jump on.  You turn on Morning Joe today, and there's Ron Fournier, MSM member-in-good-standing and someone who's said he's voted for Clintons more than anyone in DC, saying about the email scandal that Hillary "might pay a big price criminally." Schnikes! Where did you say Bernie Sanders is appearing next? 

As baleful as Fournier was about Hillary's fortunes, something Joe Scarborough said might be even more ominous.  Scarborough revealed that he's receiving emails from aides to President Obama who "cannot believe she keeps saying that this was okay with the White House . . . they cannot believe inside the Obama White House that she continues to act this way." Consider: all President Obama needs to do is raise an eyebrow at his Attorney General Lynch, and Hillary could be in indictment-land. 

The segment began with clips from Hilllary's press conference of yesterday in which she disdained Ed Henry's question as to whether she wiped her server, answering "like with a cloth?"  As she walked away from the mic, Hillary said back over her shoulder that "nobody has talked to me about it--other than you guys."  Right.

ED HENRY: Did you try to wipe the whole server? 

HILLRY CLINTON: I, I, I'm not -- I have no idea. That's why we turned it over. 

HENRY: You were in charge of it.  You were the official in charge. Did you wipe the server? 

HILLARY: Well, like with a cloth or something? 

HENRY: I don't know. I don't know how it works digitally. Did you try to wipe the whole server?
HILLARY: I don't know how it works digitally at all. 

. . . 

REPORTER:  Is this an indication that this issue isn't going to go away for the remainder of your campaign? 

HILLARY: Nobody talks to me about it--other than you guys. 

. . .

RON FOURNIER: I know here's what's going to happen. The FBI is looking into this. The same person who prosecuted Petraeus is looking into this. Coincidentally, the same person who represented Petraeus is now representing Hillary Clinton. She's paying a big price politically. And she might pay a big price criminally. 

. . . 

JOE: I will tell you just for people at home that are wondering, well gee, is this partisan. I don't think anybody thinks this is partisan anymore, cause the FBI. I can tell you I get flooded with e-mails and if you want to know where a collection of gasps came up during Hillary Clinton's e-mail conference, I mean the conference? The White House. The White House, people working in the White House cannot believe she keeps saying that this was okay with the White House, that this was okay according to the law. They cannot believe it. Inside the Obama White House that she continues to act this way.