Mark Ruffalo Blasts ‘White Conservative Hiring Spree’ MSNBC?!

June 14th, 2017 11:41 AM

On Saturday, left-wing actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted out support for a petition denouncing NBC News and MSNBC – not for the blatant liberal bias at both networks, but for the supposed laughable offense of going on a “white conservative hiring spree.” [h/t Hot Air]

In his tweet, Ruffalo urged followers to “Sign the petition: Tell @MSNBC @NBCNews to stop the white conservative hiring spree.” He linked to a petition from demanding: “So why on earth is MSNBC pushing out Black and Brown voices and filling its network with hard-line extreme conservatives?...We need to let NBC executives know that there will be a sharp backlash if MSNBC becomes another platform for right-wing hate.”

A list featured of the alleged “hard-line extreme conservatives” who had been hired, included columnist George Will, political analyst and new MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, and former Fox News anchors Megyn Kelly and Greta Van Susteren.

On Tuesday night, the hosts of Fox News’s The Five openly mocked Ruffalo’s absurd declaration:

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