The media wants you to believe that even fictional characters are suffering at the hands of the evil GOP. Thanks to feminist outlets like Glamour, Teen Vogue and Allure, an artist and writer team’s Instagram posts have gone viral, for depicting Disney princesses as “real life” women “combatting the GOP’s War on Women.”
What does this even mean, exactly? Well, illustrator Maritza Lugo and writer Danielle Sepulveres call the artwork series, “Disney Princess goes to the gyno,”and it’s pretty self-explanatory from there. Beloved children’s characters like Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Jasmine from Aladdin are stopped by angry pro-lifers at Planned Parenthood, denied insurance coverage for contraception and STD vaccines, among other things.
Conversely, last year, the same artist-writer team drew Disney characters as having positive experiences getting tested for STDs and talking about “family planning” with their doctors.

Glamour writer Lynsey Eidell shared the post with the loaded title leaving nothing to the imagination, “Disney Princesses show the terrifying reality facing women in Trump’s America.” Eidell also cross-posted the same story at Teen Vogue and Allure. Eidell lamented the “devastating effects of repealing Obamacare,” before sharing the pictures as “all too real.”
The picture series starts with an image of Disney’s television series princess Elana of Avalor, their first Latina Princess, apparently, being harassed by angry pro-lifers outside of Planned Parenthood. The caption starts off:
With our incoming president-elect being a complete Neanderthal and bringing along a gaggle of idiots, it's only right that we start fighting back utilizing our god given talents.
And continues:
America has always been great for white cis males & it's time it was great for everyone who's sweat, blood & tears have created this nation....Here she is going to Planned Parenthood to stand against the evil stepsisters of the GOP.
Other captions, like one of Pocahontas being denied for having a "pre-existing condition" read:
[I]t’s likely to expect that Trump will parade into this unique area of healthcare like John Smith, plundering and damaging all the way through. After all, records indicate that John Smith described pre-teen Pocahontas as “nubile and sexy” which sounds like the 17th century version of “grab them by the pussy.”
While Belle’s life was made ‘harder’ by the GOP forcing insurance companies to drop birth control coverage:
Belle was super happy to get birth control. As someone who was dependent on it, finding out she was denied her refill will only make Belle's life a little harder....No-copay birth control was a hallmark of ACA, allowing 55 million women to have more control over their bodies. Now insurance companies would no longer be required to cover contraceptives, and pregnancy would be considered a “pre-existing condition.” #standwithpp