Bee Rants, Blames Conservatives for Opposing Taxpayer Funded Diapers

April 11th, 2016 11:40 PM

In a long rant on Monday’s Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on TBS, the former Daily Show comedian complained that food stamps don’t cover the cost of diapers as she ended by somehow blaming conservatives and pro-lifers.

Bee began with a clip of President Obama speaking at South by Southwest, asking tech companies to partner with diaper-makers to provide diapers to low income mothers.

“Why involve half of Silicon Valley?” Bee asked before laughing, “Oh right, otherwise you’d have to go through Congress.”

Playing a clip of a Republican congresswoman criticizing a similar bill in California two years ago, Bee opined:

SAMANTHA BEE: Look, you whiney babies, if you didn't want to wallow in your own fifth like a Dickensian orphan, you shouldn't have chosen poor parents. It's called personal responsibility.

Though Bee is making a joke about babies choosing their parents, she doesn’t get the irony of demanding government ie: taxpayers to pay for low-income women’s baby supplies, completely shifting the “personal responsibility” off of themselves.  She continued ranting:

BEE: Without childcare, mothers are left with an impossible choice: remain unemployed or convince their bosses to hire their baby. There's just one problem which any working parent could tell you if you bothered to ask.

ASSEMBLYWOMAN LORENA GONZALES: You cannot take your child to child care if you don't have an adequate supply of diapers.

BEE: No diapers, no day care. I guarantee you if you give a box of Huggies to a woman with an infant she'll get a job faster.

At one critic’s suggestion that women use cloth diapers, Bee went off the handle spewing, “Okay, seriously? F**k off with this cloth diaper nonsense.

At the last suggestion from the opposition that women in poverty choose abstinence if they can’t financially support their children, Bee unloaded into a pro-choice, anti-conservative diatribe:

BEE: Of course, Megan did. Oh, my god, conservatives, make up your mind about poor babies. We thought you wanted them to be born. Why else would you oppose free contraception, wage jihad against Planned Parenthood, fight the F.D.A. on plan B and make it unattainable as a ticket to Hamilton. Like it or not there are a lot of poor babies and it sounds like all you've got for them is the same useless advice you're giving your mothers, keep your legs crossed.