'Palestinians Shot Boarding Kids' Bus'; They Were Attempting to Murder Children!

October 22nd, 2015 9:28 PM

Sometimes the bias happens right under your nose. Here's to the folks at StandWithUs for their eagle-eyed observation of bias earlier this evening during CNN's live broadcast of the Benghazi hearing. "Palestinians shot boarding kids' bus," reads the header. In truth, the perpetrators shot were armed terrorists intending on harming innocent children.

Photo via StandWithUs's Facebook page:

And here's their caption:

How does CNN report a near massacre of Israeli children? "Palestinians shot boarding kids' bus"

While millions tune in to Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony, CNN's ticker continues to display the outrageous headline from earlier today where they reported on the Palestinian terrorists who tried to enter a children's school bus to carry out a horrific terror attack this morning. The Palestinians were shot before carrying out the potential massacre - somewhat of a miracle in and of itself.

Shame on CNN!