CBS Hits Paul Ryan for ‘Hypocrisy’ Over Wanting Family Time

October 22nd, 2015 10:47 AM

During CBS This Morning’s daily “Headlines” segment on Thursday, co-host Norah O’Donnell eagerly touted a piece by Time magazine which “reports on Congressman Paul Ryan accused of hypocrisy.” 

The CBS reporter mentioned no names who accused Ryan of “hypocrisy” when she promoted the article and instead noted that “Ryan said if he were to serve as House Speaker he would not give up spending time with his family. Critics say Ryan has opposed measures to help families.”  

O’Donnell continued to highlight Ryan’s alleged “hypocrisy” and explained that “[i]n 2009 he voted against providing paid leave, family leave, to federal workers. A budget he drafted last year cut funding for childcare subsidies.” 

While the CBS anchor was quick to play up Ryan’s “critics” over the issue of paid leave, O’Donnell failed to mention who they actually were. As the Time piece explained, those who accused the Wisconsin Republican of “hypocrisy” were “critics in the liberal blogosphere”

“Paul Ryan Wants To Preserve His Work/Family Balance While Making It Harder For Poor Parents,” blared a headline on the liberal site ThinkProgress. “Paul Ryan, Opponent Of Paid Family Leave, Demands Congress Respect His Need For Family Time,” the feminist blog Jezebel said. 

See relevant transcript below. 

CBS This Morning

October 22, 2015

NORAH O’DONNELL: "Time" reports on Congressman Paul Ryan accused of hypocrisy. This week Ryan said if he were to serve as House Speaker he would not give up spending time with his family. Critics say Ryan has opposed measures to help families. In 2009 he voted against providing paid leave, family leave, to federal workers. A budget he drafted last year cut funding for childcare subsidies.