Seize Them! Politicians Who Sign Norquist Pledge Are 'Traitors', Spews Bill Press

November 28th, 2012 7:43 PM

Remember when a person had to actually betray our country before he or she would be labeled a traitor?

Now all it takes is steadfast aversion to higher taxes during an era of nosebleed government spending and debt. (video clip after page break)

Slogging forward in his flailing efforts at relevance, liberal radio host Bill Press yesterday turned his venom toward politicians who've promised to Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform that they'll oppose further tax increases --

Well, Sen. Bob Corker has become the latest Republican who says he's willing to throw Grover Norquist under the bus. But the real story is not that a handful of Republicans now say they're willing to distance themselves from Grover Norquist. The real story is why so many of them signed that damn pledge in the first place. Get this -- in the 112th Congress, 235 members of the House and 41 senators did sign the pledge. Only two of them, by the way, are Democrats. That means that 276 out of 535 members of the Congress violated their oath of office and took a pledge that their loyalty is to a Republican lobbyist over the people of the United States of America.

You know what that means? I think we ought to call them exactly what they are -- they are traitors and they don't deserve to hold elective office in this country. That's my parting shot for today.

Let the show trials begin, shall we? Such a spectacle would make Press's ticker go pitter-pat.

Makes me wonder though -- what about lawmakers who've made the anti-tax promise to Norquist and pledged their lives to another person in matrimony? Aren't they doubly treasonous, at least by Press's logic?

How about those despicable sorts who've made the Norquist pledge, are also married, and committed to yet another agreement -- a mortgage, for example. Aren't they running the risk of a (gasp!) treason trifecta?

After all, as Press sees it, people in government service must devote themselves entirely to The State, to the exclusion of all other obligations and commitments. Yes, there's usually resistance to this type of thinking. That's why it's often accompanied by the sound of marching boots.